Calling All Real Estate Investors

The Income Snowball with Special Guest Tanisha Souza

Caeli Ridge Season 2 Episode 32

Caeli Ridge recorded this episode on 8/29/2023

The Income Snowball with Tanisha Souza from Tardus Wealth Strategies

Tanisha presents her Income Snowball method of acquiring rental properties and how to build a real estate portfolio fast in any market.

She details how Tardus and their patented calculator can help you in achieving financial freedom. Her presentation goes into detail on how to buy rentals without using savings ( Not the BRRR Method), how to acquire multiple assets with the same dollars, build a rental portfolio fast, creative massive monthly cash flow reserves and how to always be prepared for Real Estate buying opportunities.

Check out the video with the screen share and the documentation in the Community and our YouTube Channel.

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00:00:02.460 --> 00:00:04.260
Karlie Libby: Alright. Hello, everyone.

00:00:04.690 --> 00:00:13.209
Karlie Libby: and thank you for joining this episode of calling all real estate investors. We

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Karlie Libby: have a very special guest today. We have. Tanisha, Souza here. Thank you so much for joining us, and just wanted to remind you all that you can connect with us

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Karlie Libby: at info at Ridgelendending, or you can always call us at (855) 747-4343. If you have any questions throughout this

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Karlie Libby: meeting. Please pop those in the chat, we're gonna do it a little differently today. We're gonna wait till the end of the presentation to answer those questions, so you can feel free to pop them in as you have them, or save them for the end. So whatever works best for you, and then I'm gonna hand it over to Caeli Ridge to do an intro for Tanisha.

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CAELI RIDGE: Thanks, Carly honey. Hey? Everybody as always. Thanks for being here with us today. Love the participation as usual. I think that this is going to be a really special

00:01:03.810 --> 00:01:29.049
CAELI RIDGE: hour or so of your of your day of your lives, II suspect, very, very excited to introduce my colleague and friend, Miss Tanisha of Tardis wealth strategies. I'm not gonna steal any of her thunder. So I'm only gonna briefly kind of explain, cause I know that some of the post social media posts and stuff didn't go into any great detail. But I'll just gonna give you the concept of the wealth building that Tanisha and Tardis

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CAELI RIDGE: provide for its clients and investors there are. And I apologize.

00:01:36.510 --> 00:01:38.469
CAELI RIDGE: She did. Thank you.

00:01:38.600 --> 00:01:56.330
CAELI RIDGE: Sorry, guys. There was somebody standing in my door, and we're live. And this is she's gonna detail for us today. How to effectively leverage multiple streams of income using arbitrage and real estate

00:01:56.330 --> 00:02:09.820
CAELI RIDGE: to achieve some some real, true financial freedom. There's something that is coin, in fact, trademarked by Tardis. She's going to be talking about in in great detail, called the Income Snowball. I think you're all gonna find this to be

00:02:09.889 --> 00:02:27.389
CAELI RIDGE: a light bulb, right? In fact, maybe even life changing for some of you. I've been following this for a while. Tish and I go back. Maybe 5, 6 years now. I have been invited to participate in some of their in person events, even, you know, over the pandemic we did some

00:02:27.390 --> 00:02:41.959
CAELI RIDGE: remote virtual things. Anyway, I'm a big big fan of everything that they do. They also pride themselves on education, which is, very true to my heart. So without further ado, let me just introduce. I have my notes here, so I wanna read those, but don't screw up

00:02:42.300 --> 00:03:08.559
CAELI RIDGE: and then Tanisha will take over. So Miss Tanisha is an author. Jd, which, by the way, I had to look this up, Tanisha in her little bio. Here, you guys, I got it. Tanisha Sousa, Jd, and that is juris doctorate. Okay, I'll get there in a second is an author, patent holder, professional speaker, wealth and passive income, coach and entrepreneur. She has a passion for teaching people how to live their dreams by quickly building passive income without risk.

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CAELI RIDGE: You heard that right without risk.

00:03:10.720 --> 00:03:30.500
CAELI RIDGE: Tanisha quit the practice of law after replacing her income with passive income from real estate, and she launched Tardis wealth, strategies, a full service, wealth, and passive income. Coaching firm, Tanisha studied and obtained her bachelor's degree at Uc Berkeley, and obtained her juris doctorate from Usc's Law School.

00:03:30.550 --> 00:03:42.400
CAELI RIDGE: Tardis has helped over 7,000 clients in their 20 plus years in business, almost entirely through word of mouth. By the way, so that should tell you something, anyway, without further ado. Tanisha, take it away

00:03:42.510 --> 00:04:05.489
Tanisha Souza: right on. Thank you. That's pleasure to be here and like, she said, I mean Jay and I I don't know. I think we were you here in Maui. I think we did the Atv right. I'm not sure if it was in. Yeah, yeah, that was that was awesome. So hope to get you back out here pretty soon.

00:04:06.070 --> 00:04:30.939
Tanisha Souza: Alright. Hopefully, everybody can see my screen. Let's see that look good. Okay, alright. I'm gonna jump right in. Because what I want to do show you guys how to build a real estate portfolio fast in any market, and I know a lot of people are like, well, you know, it's now the time to buy. Maybe it's not, you know. Interest rates, all that kind of stuff, you know what? There's always deals in every single market, and in fact,

00:04:31.190 --> 00:04:42.729
Tanisha Souza: I know, maybe a week ago, or something. I contacted Chalet. Hey? I'm looking at this property that that's at auction, and you know I'm looking for, you know, this financing and she was super helpful. So

00:04:42.730 --> 00:05:06.510
Tanisha Souza: bottom line is if you wanna learn a new way a faster way. Something that is really the wave of the future. You're gonna wanna really pay attention. What I'm gonna share with you today. Alright, okay, so real quick disclaimer. We are not financial advisors. So we don't sell any type of investments. We don't have any relationship to any investment platform. So everything that I share with you is educational

00:05:06.510 --> 00:05:24.049
Tanisha Souza: and it will be enlightening. Right? So we do. Coach people on how to invest, and especially the income snowball way. I'm going to give you an overview of how it works, what we do. And just give you some some really strong tools

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Tanisha Souza: in your tool chest to be a very competitive investor. Okay? So you know, Chili already gave you the intro of me. So I'm not going to say too much. All of that just means. What everything she said is that I

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Tanisha Souza: was a disgruntled attorney, and I wanted to quit doing what I was doing, and so I needed to create enough passive income to cover my living expenses, and as soon as I did that I was able to quit my job as a lawyer and start this business

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Tanisha Souza: and it underwent a lot of iterations over the years. But we've been a very successful 8 plus rating with a better business bureau and helped a whole lot of people so excited to share with you what you're gonna learn today. So this is quick. Some quick bullet points on what you're gonna learn today. And I think a lot of this is gonna be very new. I've noticed a couple of names of people who are on this

00:06:18.740 --> 00:06:26.579
Tanisha Souza: on this podcast so I know you're familiar. But I think most of you won't be. So let me just share with you what I'm gonna learn

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Tanisha Souza: when I'm gonna teach you. So you are, gonna learn how to buy rentals without using savings. And it's not the bur method the Brrr method. Typo in there. Okay, so we're not talking about flipping, you know, buying discounted, flipping, and then refinancing, you know, running it out from refinancing and doing all that. That's a great strategy. It there! It's very active. You know what I'm talking about here. What I'm sharing with you is truly passionate

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Tanisha Souza: income. And of course you can get that through just renting your rentals. But you can actually build your portfolio a lot faster. I'm gonna show you how to acquire multiple assets with the same dollars.

00:07:05.260 --> 00:07:21.199
Tanisha Souza: So with the same dollars you have right now and it and let's say that you don't have anything in savings. Right? You don't have to have anything in savings to do this. You just need a little bit of cash flow, a little bit of leverage and arbitrage. And then we're gonna show you the rest of you know how to do this.

00:07:21.280 --> 00:07:50.420
Tanisha Souza: You you, if you want to learn how to build your rental portfolio fast. You know, faster than traditional ways. Typically then then to do it a lot differently. And I'll share with you that, too. You're gonna do one thing that you're gonna do differently than the way you would traditionally build a real estate portfolio is by creating massive monthly cash reserves, because in a lot of cases one of the issues that happen with investors, and if you are investors, you know, what I'm talking about is inevitably

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Tanisha Souza: something's going to need fixing. You're gonna need to do something with that property. And if you've already made some repairs, something, just, you know, broke, or you know whatever it was that could wipe out your cash flow. So what we're gonna show you ha! Is how to create massive, monthly, casual reserves with multiple income streams.

00:08:08.640 --> 00:08:23.420
Tanisha Souza: and you'll always be prepared for real estate buying opportunities. So if you're interested in growing and building and doing it safely, so you're not totally over leveraged. You're not in any of those situations where, if the economy goes

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Tanisha Souza: South, you're in trouble, you know. You owe more than what the properties worth. We're gonna show you how to get around all of that and and also be able to purchase when you're ready. Okay, alright, tall order. But I'm gonna try to go through this kind of quickly, and so, and I'll try to also leave some questions at the end as well. So just a quick bullet points on the income snowball. Before I went for the patents, we took over 6 years in research and development, actually employed a

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Tanisha Souza: a woman, one of my clients who was a she was a a

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Tanisha Souza: she was a graduate of Harvard, and she had a math degree, and her father was. Also, you know, it's kind of passed down. I guess he was actually a professor, and he had a degree in, you know, mathematics. So I was able to work with them to help develop the software behind it. And that's what I really actually have the patent on

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Tanisha Souza: it. Forecast your financial freedom date. And again, your financial freedom date is a date where you can draw out of your investments the amount of money you need to live. And that's that means just covering your living expenses. So

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Tanisha Souza: I'm going to give you an illustration. I'm gonna walk you through from start to finish. So you could see how this can help you by before you even start. It will tell you your financial freedom date. If you do these things, invest in these things at these at these periods of time.

00:09:46.070 --> 00:10:08.159
Tanisha Souza: and do it this way. So the calculator is very important, and then the coaching aspect is is very important as well, so on average, the average person is able to, you know, reach financial freedom in 5 to 10 years. Okay? And so and that's regardless of the assets that they're using. But we've been dealing with for the last year and a half.

00:10:08.160 --> 00:10:23.640
Tanisha Souza: Just a lot of people that want to grow their portfolios. And now, you know, you're gonna see a lot of opportunities to to really do that as long as you're in a position to be able to jump on it. So I got the patent in 2,014, and the rest is history.

00:10:24.540 --> 00:10:31.399
Tanisha Souza: Yeah. So let me just kind of get into the details of how this, how this whole thing operates

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Tanisha Souza: the income snowball system, and then how the coaching actually fits in. So cash was king. I think we all agree on that. You know, if you listen to any of Chile's, podcast. You know that that's really, you know something, that you should always be looking for cash flow is important in business. It's important. Real estate support in life, like, if you don't have any cash flow, you're going backwards.

00:10:51.700 --> 00:11:16.619
Tanisha Souza: So the first thing you need to start this whole system is a positive cash flow, right? If you're breaking even, or your negative cash flow. That's not the time to start this. You want to start it. When you have a positive cash flow. You don't have to have any any savings. You don't have to have money piled up somewhere right to to start, like, you know, like you might to buy your first rental. What you do need is just a little bit of extra each month. So I'm going to give

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Tanisha Souza: right now each month or

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Tanisha Souza: per month, extra cash flow, depending on how much money they make. You know the rentals, all that kind of stuff. So when we're talking about cash flow in the context that I'm going to share with you today, it's really looking at your income that you take home

00:11:45.620 --> 00:11:58.589
Tanisha Souza: from your job or your rentals. Right? The expenses right minus all the expenses, and then the cash flow. Your free cash flow is what you have left over. And that's what we're going to talk about today is that casual how to use that

00:11:58.660 --> 00:12:17.209
Tanisha Souza: in it and use it in multiple ways to buy multiple assets, even if it's not a lot. You might think $800, you know, whatever I can do something with that. Yeah, you don't need to have 50,000 $100,000 saved up to be able to start this. It's just very little. Okay. And so you know, that's one of the real keys to this.

00:12:17.210 --> 00:12:42.780
Tanisha Souza: So we're gonna do is assume that your monthly cash flow is $2,500. Now, why am I using 2,500 cause it's an easy, round number, very easy to do a lot of quick math to make it simple for you to understand. And so that's we're gonna use that. So the cash flow is what you have left over. Let's say that you you make 7,500, maybe that's your your pay from your paycheck. Your expenses are 5,000, and you have 2,500 left over.

00:12:42.850 --> 00:12:59.989
Tanisha Souza: What do we do with this? Right? What are we gonna do with this 2,500? First thing we want to do is get a little bit of leverage, and the amount of leverage is important, right? You don't want to just go and grab any old amount where you might. Oh, wow! I've got a 500,000 Heloc on my house. Can I just use that to do this?

00:13:00.450 --> 00:13:16.570
Tanisha Souza: the answer in 99% of cases would be, no, you would never want to use too much leverage to. To make this work. You should always use the exact right amount of leverage for your cash flow. Situation. If you use too much.

00:13:16.570 --> 00:13:45.530
Tanisha Souza: It's not gonna work. And if use too little, it's not gonna work. So my calculator actually will give you the precise amount for your situation. So in this case, we're gonna assume that the amount of leverage you're supposed to use is 10,000. Okay? And and for leverage, we're not talking about a 30 or fixed loan, or anything like that, or a personal loan for 5 years. We're talking about a revolving line of credit similar to a credit card. It's not a credit card, but I'd like to use a credit card is an analogy.

00:13:45.700 --> 00:13:53.739
Tanisha Souza: because everyone knows how credit cards work. Right? You use it, you pay it off, you can reuse it with a loan, you get it.

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Tanisha Souza: you pay it off, and you don't get another one unless you reapply with a line of credit revolving line of credit, you're going to be able to reuse it. And you guys familiar with home equity lines you're familiar with. You know, you're familiar with all kinds of different, you know, business lines, personal lines, you know, there's different types of lines of credit that can be used, and some are better than others, so your coach can also help with that as well, not only helping you find one, but choosing the right one for you.

00:14:19.880 --> 00:14:30.409
Tanisha Souza: So now you use that. Let's say that you get that $10,000 out of credit right? The my calculator, which I will actually show you a demo of that toward the end.

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Tanisha Souza: But you'd use that to buy what I call short-term amortized income assets also known as fast bird and fuel. So when you talk to anybody at Tardis.

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Tanisha Souza: anybody who's with us, even our clients, they understand what fast burning fuel is. It is a term we use for a type of investment short term, in other words, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, 7

00:14:53.440 --> 00:15:06.230
Tanisha Souza: years in length, principal and interest payments so amortized over a short period of time. Now, why is this important? Because it gives you way? More income than an interest, only investment would.

00:15:06.260 --> 00:15:13.729
Tanisha Souza: or an investment that is principal and interest. But it's over 30 years. Think about your mortgage right, or your mortgages on your rentals.

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Tanisha Souza: The reason why most people do not get 15 year mortgages on their rental property is because it wouldn't cash flow. The the reason why they don't get 15 year mortgages on their primary residence is because the payments would be too high. Right? They're looking to make those payments lower. Now, if you're on the flip side of that, and you are the investor. And you want income

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Tanisha Souza: from a loan. Right? Then, what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to shorten that term because you're gonna get bigger payments

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Tanisha Souza: for this system for the income snowball

00:15:49.570 --> 00:16:15.500
Tanisha Souza: now, normally, with a shorter term, the interest might be a little bit less, but the payments are so high that what we're doing is we're utilizing that additional income to help us accelerate the purchase of new investments. Okay, so that's a long way of explaining. Now another analogy that I think helps a lot of people kind of get a grasp on what we mean by

00:16:15.500 --> 00:16:31.539
Tanisha Souza: fast burning fuel, slow, burning fuel, that sort of thing, because both types of investments are used in the income snowball. But we start with fast burning for a very specific reason. My calculator utilizes that. And and there are lots of different types. Will. I'll talk about that in a minute.

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Tanisha Souza: But let's imagine that you're at like a Nascar race or something you're you're at. A racetrack, and you've got 2 cars that are about to race.

00:16:41.440 --> 00:16:55.419
Tanisha Souza: and maybe they have to do 2 laps around the track, and you're trying to to decide which one. Maybe you're gonna bet on which one will win which one will get to the finish line first, right? If you've got just a regular old Honda.

00:16:55.500 --> 00:17:03.380
Tanisha Souza: you know Honda civic or something. And you've got a race car right versus a race car in this race to to make 2 laps around the track.

00:17:03.520 --> 00:17:08.679
Tanisha Souza: Which of these, do you think will reach the finish line quicker? The Honda or the race car.

00:17:11.430 --> 00:17:20.029
Tanisha Souza: Okay? Well, you you don't have to answer since we said we weren't going to have you guys answer until the end. It's not your question, right. It's the race car.

00:17:20.210 --> 00:17:26.349
Tanisha Souza: right? The Honda is not going to make it as fast. The race car was built for speed.

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Tanisha Souza: Right? It was built to go fast. It's built to go around the track. The honda was meant for long distances, it was meant for, you know, just everyday driving.

00:17:35.690 --> 00:18:04.660
Tanisha Souza: So when you look at this analogy. We look at the type of fuel that goes into each car, and we look at the car or the vehicle as the as the investment system that we use right, and the fuel is the investment itself. So the racing fuel we use we put in racing cars. Regular fuel we use in regular cars. We call the racing fuel fast burning fuel right? And and then truly, it does burn faster than regular fuel, so we use it, and for some examples of that are

00:18:04.660 --> 00:18:17.789
Tanisha Souza: short term mortgage notes. Peer to peer lending like let me go back like a partials, for example, could be short term notes, or you can just get them on say, paper stack, or some other types of pla online platforms.

00:18:17.790 --> 00:18:42.300
Tanisha Souza: Peer-to-peer living like Prospercom. Short term income funds like some of the things that you might see on ground floor. So racing fuel is for race cars and the regular first regular cars. That's the still burning field that those are stocks, bonds, mutual funds, rental properties, right? You know you get a little bit of income, but for a long time, or perhaps even indefinitely. Long term notes can also fall into that category.

00:18:42.300 --> 00:18:52.859
Tanisha Souza: So we have to make sure we understand the differences, because what we use, and what powers this whole thing, and what makes it go so fast, so quickly, and you see so much income so fast.

00:18:52.890 --> 00:18:59.340
Tanisha Souza: is because of the fastboarding fuel that you use the beginning. Now, what happens if you put racing fuel in a honda?

00:18:59.660 --> 00:19:12.200
Tanisha Souza: Right? Okay. Whenever I ask this question, people are like I don't know. But there's always somebody, somebody who's listening and watching this, who knows what happens? Right? There are car people they understand. You will destroy the engine on the honda.

00:19:12.630 --> 00:19:41.799
Tanisha Souza: in A, in a real life scenario. If you're using fast burning fuel investments in a traditional investment, say, like your Ira, or in your or just kind of using it the regular way, and just like investing your your money. Doing dollar cost, averaging and using, you know, investing and say, prosper notes or something like that. You're not going to get to your financial freedom. Date really any faster than you would if you were to, just, you know, put your money in just a regular slow, burning fuel.

00:19:41.870 --> 00:20:00.109
Tanisha Souza: So the key is putting the racing fuel in the faster investment system in order to to make it go faster. Right? We don't want to put racing fuel in a honda. We don't want to destroy the engine. Alright. Okay. So with that, said, let me just kind of show you this, how we do this. It's basically

00:20:00.110 --> 00:20:16.700
Tanisha Souza: it's it's income stacking with momentum. So momentum income stacking is what we're doing with the income that we're getting. So now, what we're doing is we're we're using other people's money, the banks leverage. We're using the bank's money to buy an asset that produces $320 a month. In this case

00:20:16.780 --> 00:20:22.089
Tanisha Souza: it's for 3 years principal and interest payments of $320 a month for 3 years.

00:20:22.470 --> 00:20:32.020
Tanisha Souza: Okay? You can. You can actually, you know, run this on any amortization table and see what that would equate to. And that's what it would be. So about $320. Now.

00:20:32.080 --> 00:20:57.350
Tanisha Souza: if you're gonna get this for for 3 years, right? And you're gonna use that $2,500 cash flow. This is how we're gonna use it. The $2,500 cash flow you have. We're gonna use that in addition to this, $320, and we're going to pay off the $10,000. Right? We're gonna use it 3, 20 plus your 2,500 cash flow to pay down that line of credit which we could then, once it's paid off reuse.

00:20:57.790 --> 00:21:05.699
Tanisha Souza: So you've got $2,820 to pay off this $10,000 line of credit. I mean, how how long would it take you to do that?

00:21:05.830 --> 00:21:19.430
Tanisha Souza: Not long, right. We're talking, you know, you're able to buy the next asset in about 5 months, right? Less than 5 months. Okay, so you're able to reuse that $10,000 credit now, and buy your next fast burning fuel asset.

00:21:19.570 --> 00:21:29.240
Tanisha Souza: Now remember what happens after you paid off the first one after the first one you pay off and say, 5 months. You're gonna get payments of $320 a month

00:21:29.420 --> 00:21:47.710
Tanisha Souza: for the next 2 and a half years, right? Or, you know longer. For the next 30 months you're going to get, you're going to get another. You're going to get another $320. So even though that first investment has been repaid, you've repaid it.

00:21:47.960 --> 00:21:54.600
Tanisha Souza: Now you're able to buy this second one. Why? Because you have so much income. Now imagine, if you took $10,000, you borrowed 10,000,

00:21:54.640 --> 00:22:01.930
Tanisha Souza: you invested it, and you're you got interest only, and that interest was $60 a month or $70 a month.

00:22:01.990 --> 00:22:06.359
Tanisha Souza: Right? It's gonna take you a lot longer, basically, only using your own cache

00:22:06.380 --> 00:22:22.649
Tanisha Souza: to buy that next investment. But because the cash is so huge you're able to buy that next investment faster, and it goes faster and faster. Kind of like a snowball builds as it rolls down the hill, you know, in in snow. Right? It just picks up speed, picks up momentum picks up.

00:22:22.700 --> 00:22:39.609
Tanisha Souza: you know, volume. And that's what we're doing. So that second investment now you make 5 months in, and now you have 320 times 2. Is you good? $640 coming in along with your 2,500 to pay down the $10,000,

00:22:39.740 --> 00:22:47.959
Tanisha Souza: which now it's over 3 grand. So you know, if you're kind of starting to get the picture of this. What happens is each time you make the investment.

00:22:48.630 --> 00:23:00.060
Tanisha Souza: it allows you to pay off the line of credit even quicker. So the first time it'd be 4 months then, you know. 5 months, then 4, then 3, then 2, then eventually you could be doing this every month

00:23:00.110 --> 00:23:09.629
Tanisha Souza: where you're paying off $10,000, and if you're doing that. you know that you're you've already created $10,000 a monthly income. It's principal and interest.

00:23:09.700 --> 00:23:11.719
Tanisha Souza: but it's a lot of income.

00:23:11.730 --> 00:23:31.999
Tanisha Souza: right? Even if it's $10,000 in principle and interest that allows you to keep purchasing every month. Now, it's never gonna get to that point, because the calculator actually instructs you to increase the line of credit right? If you were to just ex keep that $10,000 forever, it's not gonna work it will actually stop working, because

00:23:32.000 --> 00:23:49.279
Tanisha Souza: when the first $320 falls off. In other words, you've been fully repaid up to 3 years you lose that first $320 income. But now you're buying the next $10,000 investment, which is 320. So you start to Flatline, where you're not making any more money. You just kind of get to this point.

00:23:49.280 --> 00:24:18.169
Tanisha Souza: the way that that doesn't. This is what makes this this patent and the the calculator so special is it knows when to increase it, and by how much? So you don't have to figure it out. You don't have to think about it makes it super simple. So with twice as much fastberry fuel income, you pay off the line of credit in 3 and a half 3.1 months. Right? So this is what that would look like if you started in January, for example, and you just kind of went on throughout the whole year. Right? The first one you're getting $320 a month

00:24:18.170 --> 00:24:33.790
Tanisha Souza: right? For the first, you know 4 months, and then what happens is you make the second investment. And now in May you've got 300, 2,320, which is 640 you can see over here. You got $640 coming in, plus your extra money.

00:24:33.860 --> 00:24:53.299
Tanisha Souza: and then guess what? It's a little bit faster. Now that was only 3 months. This is 4. This is 3. Now we're doing it again. We've got $960 a month coming in. Look how fast is in less than a year, right? And then you do it again. Now you've got $1,280 an income coming in to help you. This is in less than a year.

00:24:53.960 --> 00:25:01.310
Tanisha Souza: You've got half as much as you were putting in. You've been putting in. You've been putting in $2,500 a month, and you've got 1,280

00:25:01.420 --> 00:25:26.500
Tanisha Souza: coming in because the bank's money right allowed you to to get access to that. Now, why do we use leverage? In the first place, the reason why we all use leverage is to give us more buying power. We're buying rentals or buying anything. Leverage can help you as long as you use it wisely, and you don't over leverage yourself. And so the calculator prevents you from doing that like you won't. You wouldn't over leverage as long as you're following right? As long as you're following the system

00:25:26.690 --> 00:25:28.939
Tanisha Souza: and the calculator, and what it's telling you to do

00:25:29.530 --> 00:25:33.389
Tanisha Souza: alright. So in the example that I just gave you.

00:25:33.600 --> 00:25:56.679
Tanisha Souza: this is what that looks like. After 10 years. The income snowball is self sustaining right? This, this, this big pile, this avalanche of income that you created is now self sustaining. You don't have to contribute any of your own money right? And for some people it's 5 years. Some people done it in 2 and a half. Those are people that really, you know, they they actually have, you know, not just cash flow. They've got other resources to throw at this.

00:25:56.700 --> 00:26:19.780
Tanisha Souza: but when you have, you know just you don't even need that, though. Right. So after 10 years income, snowball is self sustaining. So you don't contribute any more money. and you're able to withdraw $5,000 per month to live while the income snowball continues to grow. So if in the future you need to give yourself a raise, you need more than $5,000 per month you'll be able to do that because the cash flow

00:26:19.810 --> 00:26:22.820
Tanisha Souza: is actually producing additional income.

00:26:23.050 --> 00:26:43.560
Tanisha Souza: and you still have the value of your income snowball assets. So as the assets, you know, as they continue to, you know, build, you're buying more and more assets in the, and the asset value increases each time that you, you know, purchase right when the calculator says, Hey, it's time to increase it from 10,000 to 17 or 15, or whatever it is

00:26:43.560 --> 00:26:55.430
Tanisha Souza: you do that. And now your assets are growing after 3 years. Right? It's been repaid. But you've already purchased many, many more of those at greater values in the future.

00:26:56.190 --> 00:27:09.770
Tanisha Souza: Alright. Now let me show you this. And this is what's really interesting. Let's take a look at how we can do this, how we can really build a huge portfolio quicker. I think you're already starting to get. Maybe your wheels are turning and you're going. Well, if I could create that kind of money.

00:27:09.940 --> 00:27:26.309
Tanisha Souza: How much easier would it be for me to buy more real estate? How much, how much faster could I build down payment? Right? Let me show you something. There's lots of ways to do this, but I'm going to show you one of the fastest and most common ways that my clients build really portfolios really fast.

00:27:26.470 --> 00:27:51.130
Tanisha Souza: So we're gonna use that same example where you have 5,000 living expenses and 2,500 a month of cash flow. And what I'm gonna share with you is this is the way people normally build their portfolios right? They're like, I've got this $2,500 in cash flow, or I've got $1,000 cash flow, and I I've got to save up, you know, $50,000 for a down payment, right? So if you have a thousand. It's gonna take you 50 months, or, you know, 54,054 months

00:27:51.170 --> 00:28:04.010
Tanisha Souza: to save up for your first down payment to buy your first house, and we have 2,500. It would take you a little bit less right, a little bit less than 2 years to save up for your first. Now.

00:28:04.460 --> 00:28:33.299
Tanisha Souza: if you could find properties in the $100,000 range. And I'm gonna show you an example of that right? You can do that. You know, we we actually work with quite a few turnkey rental providers. So if you don't already have one, you know, we can refer you out to once that we work within the understand the snowball. And they're actually doing this themselves as well. But if you can find in this example, I'm gonna show you how, if you found properties in 100,000 range, say in the Midwest, in the South that produce 300 to $350 a month in cash flow, and you wanted to build

00:28:33.430 --> 00:29:01.779
Tanisha Souza: a portfolio right? You would need to save your $2,500 a month for that down payment, that first down payment, which would be about 54,000 to put, you know, to be reasonable in that in that down payment. Now you could, you could try to do 25% or something, but most likely the cash flow would be so little that it wouldn't help you. Okay. So you wanna build an 8 rental portfolio this way, right? The old fashion way, the traditional way. This you know, the

00:29:01.780 --> 00:29:13.689
Tanisha Souza: the regular investment style way. That's gonna take you about 10 years, right on average, roughly, about 10 years, and you would have created about $2,500.

00:29:14.070 --> 00:29:25.299
Tanisha Souza: You would have created about $2,500 in in passive income. With that okay at per month, which is not not huge.

00:29:25.400 --> 00:29:26.590
Tanisha Souza: Alright

00:29:26.870 --> 00:29:51.080
Tanisha Souza: now. What could you do besides that right? If you didn't want to go this route. And you thought, you know, if it's gonna take me that long, I'd like to at least create more cash flow, because if your living expenses are 5,000, and you created 2,800 and usable cash flow, that's free cash flow after your you know, property management fees, your taxes, insurance, and your and your mortgage payment.

00:29:51.560 --> 00:29:58.329
Tanisha Souza: You're 300 to 350 a month. You're you're a little bit less than 3,000, you still 2,000 more to go. You can't quit

00:29:59.130 --> 00:30:07.699
Tanisha Souza: right. You can't quit your job yet. You still need more rentals to be able to to create the cash flow you need. And

00:30:08.490 --> 00:30:17.100
Tanisha Souza: let's say that you were really lucky. And you did have $5,000 worth of cash flow free cash flow from your rentals.

00:30:17.310 --> 00:30:40.000
Tanisha Souza: you know. Would you feel comfortable living on that? Because if anything goes wrong with one rental, or you just don't get rent, or it's late one month. You can't pay all your bills. So what you need is you need that cushion right? That that additional cushion to make your real estate portfolio not only produce better for you, but also just really safer, a much safer way to play. Okay.

00:30:40.470 --> 00:31:02.909
Tanisha Souza: so this is this is an example what I want to show you is, you know, this is something for Bruce stock. I found it's $100,000. Let's say that you wanted to put down, say, 54,000 or 54 down on this rental property, and you could find properties like that. Okay, let me just kind of go through an example of a 2 year

00:31:02.910 --> 00:31:22.599
Tanisha Souza: to your investment 9. And you're gonna buy 8 rentals. Okay, so this is the same thing. But you're doing it. The income snowball way. So this is somebody that brings home $7,500 a month with $5,000 living expenses. This is my calculator. By the way. So I'm kind of giving you a behind the scenes under the hood. Look so you can understand how this whole thing works.

00:31:23.060 --> 00:31:28.829
Tanisha Souza: Now, what you'll see, is the financial freedom. Date is 2034. So that's about 10 years, roughly, about 10 years.

00:31:28.940 --> 00:31:44.019
Tanisha Souza: and the withdrawal amount the amount you you'd be able to withdraw from your 20,000 or $21,000 in monthly income you've producing at that point is about 7,200, which would cover your 5,000 expenses and another 2,000 in rental expenses. Okay? So you've got

00:31:44.410 --> 00:32:03.549
Tanisha Souza: at the at the end, right at the time that you reach financial freedom, which again was May of 2035, 34. Sorry! You have generated 21,000, about 20,985, and you have 7,200 available for expenses. You can draw out that leave the 13,741 in.

00:32:03.640 --> 00:32:31.189
Tanisha Souza: and that will keep it growing. Okay? And at that same point in time you have. You have 8 properties worth $100,000 in other assets, totaling over 1 million in assets in that period of time. And you're not over leveraged. Each one of those is only leveraged about 50. In addition to that, we're assuming that the rentals haven't increased in value, which, of course I'm sure they have. You've got your depreciation. You've probably have more cash flow than what we've we're sharing with you there

00:32:31.520 --> 00:32:54.829
Tanisha Souza: now, right before, right in April. Right? You're still putting in your income and taking your expenses up. But after that you've you base. You have $20,000 in income coming in from the I'm sorry. $15,000 in in income, coming in from the other assets of fast burning fuel, and you've got 5,300 coming in from the, and that's before the mortgage

00:32:54.830 --> 00:33:05.330
Tanisha Souza: coming in from the rentals. So the expense breakdown to, as you can see, is your living expenses. 5,000 plus an extra 2,200 for your rentals. Now, if your rentals need more

00:33:05.450 --> 00:33:09.309
Tanisha Souza: income from that, you've got an extra $13,000 coming in each month.

00:33:09.430 --> 00:33:20.859
Tanisha Souza: Now you can see how fast the line of credit is being paid off. Right? We're looking at 3 months, 2 months right there between the 15 and jumping up to 22,500. This is the monthly amount that's being invested

00:33:21.190 --> 00:33:35.649
Tanisha Souza: with the line of credit. So it does increase right? We we want to increase it over time, and you're building such great credit. It's easier to do that at that point. Now, in April 2027 is when you buy your first rental, and we're taking 54,000 out.

00:33:35.950 --> 00:33:40.809
Tanisha Souza: and we're investing that. And then the other 59,000 goes into the fast burning fuel.

00:33:40.890 --> 00:34:00.760
Tanisha Souza: and that keeps happening until you buy 8 rentals consecutively. Right? But we're talking 2027, which is only 4 years from now that you're able to start buying your first rental, and just buy them consecutively and every few months. So this is how you can build it really fast. Suppose, if you have no no savings

00:34:00.760 --> 00:34:11.010
Tanisha Souza: right? And you don't want to necessarily take all that time to build it and not have enough cash flow. We're talking 20,000 or 21,000 a monthly income

00:34:11.010 --> 00:34:32.330
Tanisha Souza: minus your expenses, with 13,000 to spare each month. Right? Pretty pretty, I think that's pretty significant. And it's something that you don't really see in other methods of investing, and you just build a portfolio so much faster, so much easier, and with so much less risk than you would the traditional way

00:34:32.620 --> 00:34:45.249
Tanisha Souza: now. So just kind of go looking at the the the both ways again, II shared with you. If you wanted to build an 8 rental portfolio we're looking at roughly. 10 years to do just by saving your 2,500 a month.

00:34:45.260 --> 00:35:10.020
Tanisha Souza: and you have. You don't have enough cash flow to actually retire. Right? You're gonna need more than that. And what you would wanna do. Besides, that is not just build your cash flow up to the 5,000. You would need more than that, just to make sure that you could cover your bills in case one of your renters doesn't pay. You don't wanna be in a situation where you can't pay your expenses. You wanna have. You wanna be able to quit your job and not look back

00:35:10.020 --> 00:35:17.999
Tanisha Souza: and not have to go, you know, work at Walmart whatever, because you don't have enough. Right? So this, this really, this really does a trick

00:35:18.220 --> 00:35:32.889
Tanisha Souza: building your real estate for fully the slow way, the traditional way. 8 rentals generating $8,000, a monthly income, which is maybe 2,500 to 3,000 in cash flow. After all the expenses, not enough to stop working right in the illustration I just gave you

00:35:33.170 --> 00:35:38.100
Tanisha Souza: in the same timeframe. You can build your real estate portfolio, the fast income Snowball way

00:35:38.110 --> 00:36:02.500
Tanisha Souza: generate by 8 rentals that generate $8,000, and then you have an extra 13,000 as well and extra monthly income. Actually, and so the total between that is 21,000 or 20,000, you know $800. And you've got that extra $13,000 that's really producing and continuing to to grow for you. All right.

00:36:02.790 --> 00:36:27.299
Tanisha Souza: So that's a lot in a very short period of time, and I'm sure that a lot of that was very new concepts. So I will open it up for QA. But the the main thing that I want you to get out of it is that you are able to build a portfolio. Be ready for opportunities. Can you see how, having all that extra cash can help you with opportunities. It can help you in any market.

00:36:27.540 --> 00:36:53.280
Tanisha Souza: You can be ready for even things at auction. Instead of, you know utilizing cash that you might have. If you have cash, you definitely want to do something with that as well, and you can do something with that with the income snowball as well like, I said, there are some people that are able to do this and say 2 years or 5 years and they're able to do that because they have more resources than the person that just has cash flow. But if you just have cash flow, imagine that

00:36:53.380 --> 00:37:03.540
Tanisha Souza: I can't see another way that you could take $1,000 a month or $2,000 a month and really become financially free in 10 years.

00:37:04.000 --> 00:37:13.310
Tanisha Souza: With the traditional methods. Right? It'd be very difficult, and it certainly wouldn't be passive. I'm not sure exactly what you'd need to do to make that happen. But it would be a lot of work.

00:37:13.410 --> 00:37:31.439
Tanisha Souza: This is passive income coming in from multiple sources. It's it's really a great way. So now, what I want to offer to you is a strategy session with one of my coaches. It's completely no obligation is always 100 free. They'll review your goals and plan, and just make sure it'll work for you because we do offer a guarantee.

00:37:31.810 --> 00:37:55.240
Tanisha Souza: And so we always want to run your numbers and see if it'll work. We'll let you know if it doesn't. It's kind of rare if it doesn't. But you know, if your cash flows really low, or there's some really extenuating circumstances. Even people that have, you know, they work commission jobs. And so maybe they're, you know, a real estate agent. And they get paid once every, you know, 3, 4 months when they make a sale, when they close on their next home.

00:37:55.240 --> 00:38:18.529
Tanisha Souza: It's perfect, because now you've got that consistent monthly income covering kind of those basic expenses for you while you're waiting for the next sale to come through. So you know, commission salespeople love this. It's it's really great and it really helps them to to get to that position where they where they wanna they wanna go. So I recommend a strategy session. I will provide a QR. Code so you can

00:38:18.530 --> 00:38:29.359
Tanisha Souza: can it? I saw some people in cars, so I don't know if you'll. I don't want you getting a car accident. Just watch this later, if you you know, and then just take your phone and use the QR code to scan it

00:38:29.360 --> 00:39:02.480
Tanisha Souza: and and you'll be able to register for strategy session. And we'll know that you came from this podcast what they'll do is they'll create a personalized plan for you, and what you'll see is the numbers will be completely different than what I shared with you today. And what you saw on the calculator, because everybody's situation is individualized, so your cash flows different. The amount of leverage you'll use is different. Probably your risk, tolerance, or how what kind of investments you want to use will be different. And so all of that you're gonna talk with the coach about, and they will devise a plan for you. They'll present it to you, and then you can decide if you want to work with us or not.

00:39:02.480 --> 00:39:24.760
Tanisha Souza: If you're like, Hey, yeah, that looks good. I want you know what's my next step? They can. They can walk you through that, you know, you know, with whatever lines of credit. And do you need to use a lot of credit. No, you don't. Some people have cash. They want to start with that and get their line of credit later. They can do that. But obviously, you know the reason why we use leverage to buy rentals, or even our primary.

00:39:24.780 --> 00:39:54.250
Tanisha Souza: We. We have more buying power. Right? I mean, if you had $200,000 in cash. Yeah, you could find a property to live in. You. Could you could buy a 200,000 or house somewhere. Most people don't want to do that. They'd rather buy a 500,000, our house a house that's maybe nicer or a better Ni neighborhood, or something like that, so they would borrow the rest of it. They put that money down and they borrow the rest. They could get something bigger or better. Same idea you're able to invest more when you're using the bank. Other people's money, as you know. Right? You're all familiar with that.

00:39:54.620 --> 00:40:14.999
Tanisha Souza: That's why you're here. That's why you, that's why you listen to chile's podcast. She teaches you how to do this. Use leverage the right way. And so we're gonna show you the same thing, but in the income snowball system. So plugging that into the fast burning fuel, the arbitrage, all of that. Okay, with a personalized plan, and they will give you financial freedom date as well.

00:40:15.000 --> 00:40:30.559
Tanisha Souza: We also provide one on one coaching. So you get one on one with a coach each month. Who's looking at your precise details, making sure that you're following everything to T. And then we have group coaching sessions on a weekly basis. You can jump on any of those with any of our other coaches.

00:40:30.920 --> 00:40:49.539
Tanisha Souza: and ask general questions on those as well. So really great opportunity to. Just to find out if this is actually something that will work for you, and then, once you see if it does, and what your results could be. You know, then make your decision as to this is something you'd like to pursue.

00:40:49.540 --> 00:41:05.999
Tanisha Souza: Okay? So again, we're experts at cash flow. That's what we do. Right? So even if let's say that you're at all, you know. Only have about $500 a month, she said. 800, you know what it's so worth it. Just talk to coach because they can actually help you find casual. You didn't know that you had.

00:41:06.000 --> 00:41:23.000
Tanisha Souza: And you know, we really wanna make sure that every person successful, and that they will exceed our expectations and the projections. And that's why we only take clients that we know this will work for. So we have to run your numbers before we will allow you to be a client.

00:41:23.340 --> 00:41:44.769
Tanisha Souza: We're also going to show you the coach teaches you when to increase your leverage and investment amounts. Obviously, the calculator helps with that. But if any changes happen, say your income goes up or down, or anything like that, we can make those adjustments to the calculator which will tell which will adjust the schedule on which you make new investments. They'll help you choose investments wisely, have a plan, A, B and C for every investment

00:41:44.770 --> 00:41:53.900
Tanisha Souza: that works for your personal situation, and also what to do. If an investment ever doesn't perform as you expect. Let's say that your rentals let's see if rentals right now that are performing as you expect

00:41:54.460 --> 00:42:16.840
Tanisha Souza: your coaches are, gonna show you how to make those investments perform, or how to exchange for properties that do. Okay? Well, you know, those are some of the things we educate you on. Stay accountable like gain clear action steps, invest in, pay off debt at the same time, if that's something you want to do, if you're like, Hey, I'm over leveraged on a couple of rentals I already have right now guess what we're going to show you how to create income

00:42:16.840 --> 00:42:29.369
Tanisha Souza: and pay it off at the same time, so that you you do get more casual for the existing rentals, so many options, so many ways to do this. I mean, you know, I could go on and on and on, but just kind of wanted to give you that overview. So

00:42:29.700 --> 00:42:42.709
Tanisha Souza: again, we have a special offer for webinar attendees, free strategy session with the Wells coach, which includes your own personalized plan and a demo of the income still on. Calculator. What I will do. For the first

00:42:44.910 --> 00:42:56.910
Tanisha Souza: 5 people who I was like, how many should I do? Because it's it's actually a lot of work for me. But I'm what I'll do. And this is just for Chile's group.

00:42:57.450 --> 00:43:18.549
Tanisha Souza:  is, I will actually do a video for you. That will explain what we believe is the right strategy for you. So we'll you know when, when my coach when one of my coaches comes and and gathers your information, we'll plug it in, and then, like I said, I will. I will give you a video.

00:43:18.580 --> 00:43:24.450
Tanisha Souza: That will explain what I think about your strategy and why we chose to.

00:43:24.510 --> 00:43:34.490
Tanisha Souza: you know. Do it that way. Your coach, the coach that you get assigned to will explain all of it to you. But like, I said. The first 5 people also get a video from me

00:43:34.630 --> 00:43:41.250
Tanisha Souza: with a little bit more detail as to the strategy. okay, so this is the cure code I was talking about. Take your phone.

00:43:41.480 --> 00:44:01.350
Tanisha Souza: snap it and you will be one of the first 5 to get the webinar. So I know there's a lot of people that aren't online. So they're not going to be the first 5, I'm sure, but still it's free. Definitely worth checking out so that you can be in a great position. There's so many deals happening right now. It's crazy.

00:44:01.610 --> 00:44:03.659
Tanisha Souza: So that's it.

00:44:04.270 --> 00:44:06.259
CAELI RIDGE: Alright, I've got questions

00:44:06.520 --> 00:44:23.960
CAELI RIDGE: I've got. I'm I'm starting. I get to start. Since first of all, this is this was amazing. Thank you so much for doing this. I really think there's gonna be a lot of people that can take advantage. And, by the way, I didn't realize that you guys did that that one on one analysis for free, which

00:44:24.120 --> 00:44:48.829
CAELI RIDGE: that's how we do it right. We do a lot of the front end stuff. We put a lot of time into working with our clients and and the qualification all the stuff that goes into that, and we don't make a dime. And I really feel like for me, especially, you know, putting your your mouth where your money is, or your money where your mouth is, whichever way that goes. That that speaks volume so very, very cool. Tanisha. I have a couple of questions, though, can I? Just? I'm just gonna jump right into it?

00:44:48.950 --> 00:45:16.540
CAELI RIDGE: And and you partially answered this. But how did the numbers? And II know we probably don't have time to go back through the simulator. But how does the numbers change for the person that has a bunch of their own cash. That's just kind of sitting idle, not doing a ton. So maybe they use some leverage as well as they throw 50 or $100,000 into this thing, it accelerates it in terms of the the interest, because they're not paying interest on the leverage right? They have their own cash, but maybe or maybe they're doing a little bit of both.

00:45:16.680 --> 00:45:20.849
CAELI RIDGE: Does it exponentially accelerate the the overall?

00:45:20.890 --> 00:45:33.350
Tanisha Souza: It it it really does. The cash flow is is king right? So what we'll do. There's several different ways that we can do it sometimes, and it really depends on the person. But I'll give you a couple of examples.

00:45:33.350 --> 00:45:54.460
Tanisha Souza: Let's say someone's got a 50 or 100,000 sitting around that like you know what? It's just sitting there. I want to do something with it. What can I do? And so we would either look at some slow, burning fuel options like, Hey, maybe should purchase a rental because one rental property, that is, you know, produces $300 a month, can speed up your financial freedom, date by 2,

00:45:54.460 --> 00:46:18.350
Tanisha Souza: 2 and a half years. In some cases. And it really just depends on if if you're using, if you're not, if you're using your own cash as part of that that will accelerate it dramatically. But let's say that that wasn't. We weren't going to do that. We're gonna actually use it as artificial cash flow. So if someone has a thousand a month, but they've got this $100,000 sitting there. We can do what's called artificial cash flow. We'll pull out

00:46:18.430 --> 00:46:26.040
Tanisha Souza: 2 to 3 0 a month, for example of that 100 and drip it through the the the whole system.

00:46:26.470 --> 00:46:51.549
Tanisha Souza: So we're we're doing 2 things when we're we're leaving some of that money available for an opportunity that comes around, or for maybe still burning feel. But we're also gonna use portions of it, and it actually speeds up the what we call the flips the investment. So you do the first investment. Now you did. In second, you're doing so fast happens a lot, too. If people that get these big bonuses kind of out of the blue, you know. They're like, Oh, you know, they have $1,500 a month casual. Also, they got 20 grand boom

00:46:51.550 --> 00:47:08.659
Tanisha Souza: they're able to do like we call flips again, but their investments are able to do 2 or 3 more flips in one year than they normally would have done, which accelerates the whole thing. You've got 2 to 3 times more income coming in for 3 years, or 2 years, or how 5 years, or however long the investment is that you're making.

00:47:08.800 --> 00:47:20.840
CAELI RIDGE: So okay, very, very cool. What about does Tardis? I assume Tardis is going to be the one integral and choosing the investments that the the leverage the arbitrage is is being placed into.

00:47:20.870 --> 00:47:45.729
Tanisha Souza: Yeah. Well, well, what we do is we don't choose the investment for the client. But we do is we show them the investments that work with it. So we will go. And we'll say, Look, we, we need to develop criteria for you? Right? So what type of interest are you looking at? You want 6%, 4%. You want? 1012. What do you want? What's your risk? Tolerance? Because questions, once we find that out, we're like, okay, so these are the ones. This is the range that you're you should be looking at.

00:47:45.760 --> 00:48:15.229
Tanisha Souza: Don't look at 12. You're gonna have a heart attack on those don't. 4% way, too, you know, low for you. So this is we're gonna look at. So these are the investments. Now, this one requires this much work, right? Or this one. You're gonna have to do this much. Education. First, before you start investing this one's easy. You can do this right away doesn't require. So those are the things that we're looking for, and those are the questions we asked to help the client figure out, what's the best passporting fuel investment for them to start with.

00:48:15.230 --> 00:48:20.950
Tanisha Souza: Okay, so it's a pretty extensive analysis, and but what it does is it makes the clients

00:48:20.970 --> 00:48:48.480
Tanisha Souza: they they know exactly what they're doing. They're happy. The investments work for them, you know it. Just it's it's just so much better that way. We also already have a plan again for what to do. If your investments don't perform as expected. Right. They already have a plan, A, B and C, obviously, the more it the higher interest you get, the more volatile the investment might be. But what's nice is with all of these investments? Pretty much what you're getting as a fixed payment.

00:48:48.480 --> 00:49:11.919
Tanisha Souza: Each month with, say, Prosper, the payments fluctuate a little bit depending on default with something like the income funds that have been produced for the income snowball, or for things like what you'd find in ground floor. The payments are fixed, but they might be a little bit instead of getting it for 36 months. You might get it for 33, or you might get it for longer. If the investment outperforms

00:49:12.000 --> 00:49:28.039
Tanisha Souza: what what it was given. But the payments are the same. So that's just so nice is you. Can. You can count on predictable recurring monthly income. And we're gonna take all of those things into account when building the plan. It's pretty cool

00:49:28.100 --> 00:49:45.319
CAELI RIDGE: once it gets going totally passive. Yeah. Okay. I had one more question. Then you guys, can you guys can have the floor? I assume another assumption. Tartus will have some access, or at least show, whomever your clients are, where to get these lines of credit, or they on their own to to find that

00:49:45.320 --> 00:50:10.230
Tanisha Souza: absolutely no. So we will actually recommend places if they don't already have a line of credit. A lot of people already have lines of credit, but if they don't, we'll actually recommend where to go, how to get it. You know what your what you know. Your application should look like all that kind of stuff, and we'll point them in the right direction. So you know, a lot of people have a lot more resources than they think or what? We don't want them to do is run out there and try to get.

00:50:10.230 --> 00:50:39.219
CAELI RIDGE: and they do it wrong. So they ask wrong type of line, or it's you know it. It just, you know. Then they're like, sorry that's not gonna work. And I have to go back and do that. Well, segue in guys, I mean, this would be a good opportunity to to also. And you guys, I talk about it probably every week the all in one. Okay, so I. And I think, and, Tanisha, you can. You can correct me. I think that in many cases, maybe most cases, please. II know you will. But that is a perfect vehicle for something like this.

00:50:39.360 --> 00:51:06.449
Tanisha Souza: We have a lot of clients using all in one for this. I mean, it's it's phenomenal for this. I know there've been a few changes recently, but you know, for clients that have been using it. It's it's great. It's great a primary residence, usually, but in some cases you can also do it on a rental. I'll talk about that maybe next week. I don't want to take our time on that today.

00:51:06.450 --> 00:51:11.159
CAELI RIDGE: But so okay, thank you for answering those is anybody. I'm sure there's questions, Carly. What do we got?

00:51:11.200 --> 00:51:32.079
Karlie Libby: Yes, we do have a few questions. So I'll start here with the one that came in earliest. So this one's actually for chile is there a timeframe, or maybe for both, really? But is there a timeframe? One should have this type of income before using the proceeds of the income snowball to qualify for a mortgage? If the snowball is 100% of your income.

00:51:33.040 --> 00:51:33.890
Tanisha Souza: Hmm.

00:51:34.190 --> 00:52:02.010
Tanisha Souza: you know what. So there's it. So let me just see if I understand what this person's asking. So they probably don't have savings right? And so they would be using the income snowball to build up a down payment for rentals is is that is that what I'm getting from what you just asked, or yes, I think so. They're anonymous on here, so I wouldn't be able to an ask them. But if you do want to say something in the chat, let us know, please. But yes.

00:52:02.110 --> 00:52:25.329
Tanisha Souza: okay. So you know, it's it's either way. But in a lot of cases. If if you're struggling to build up the down payment, what I would do is use the income stone wall. You can see how quickly you can create income. And that's not the way that I shared with you. How to buy multiple properties is not the only way to do it with income. There's so many ways to do it.

00:52:25.680 --> 00:52:42.709
Tanisha Souza: you know, there are people who have been able to use the excess cash flow that they've created to just save up for the first down payment faster than they could with just their $2,500 alone, or whatever their extra casual is. So there's many, many ways to do it. I don't have enough time

00:52:42.900 --> 00:52:54.489
Tanisha Souza: in one, or even 3 webinars to show you all the different ways that you can do it. But if that's something that you're wanting to do, build a portfolio, and you're like, how do I build? How do I do this?

00:52:54.500 --> 00:53:05.449
Tanisha Souza: And you only have a little bit of cash flow, I'd say definitely, be, you know. Get a strategy session and see. It'll tell you right away whether or not. This is this is how you should start it out.

00:53:05.670 --> 00:53:09.830
CAELI RIDGE: Same thing. Here, guys, how many times have you guys heard me say the lat. The math won't lie

00:53:10.510 --> 00:53:24.580
CAELI RIDGE: right. The math won't lie so similarly here, if if you take the time, they're taking their time for free to give the the details and the numbers. You'll know for sure whether this is a an option for you or not, and how it looks, and how long and and all that stuff

00:53:24.690 --> 00:53:26.680
CAELI RIDGE: for free for free

00:53:26.760 --> 00:53:37.449
Karlie Libby: alright. The next question here, does the model take into account syndication opportunities that really are more about back end, capital gain versus cash flow.

00:53:37.650 --> 00:54:03.650
Tanisha Souza: Yes, you can add any type of investment to it. So for a real estate syndication. In fact, we we let's see we've used all kinds of different investments in this thing. The the key, though, is the fast burning fuel, is what gets it going. You can add any type of investment to it, layered on like rental properties, real estate syndications. All that what we need to know is what the expected

00:54:04.410 --> 00:54:33.890
Tanisha Souza: exit or the expected lump sum will be at the end, and when that will be, and we just plug that into the calculator, and then it takes everything into account, and it will tell you this will speed it up by this much time, or or it won't, or whatever you know. Some people use life insurance. By the way, as their lines of credit. So we'll look at all those things and say, Oh, my gosh! You've got this much cash value in your Iol or your whole life policy. You know you can borrow this much against it. And then

00:54:33.890 --> 00:54:57.870
Tanisha Souza: and you know we you know a lot of agents that we've worked with insurance agents. And we're not. We don't sell. We don't sell products. Okay, we don't sell any product whatsoever. We're just 100 coaching. So everything we do. We want to make sure that it works for you. You know we don't have any interest in, you know. We don't care what you buy as long as it works. So the calculator will, you know, doesn't line. It will tell us

00:54:57.940 --> 00:55:03.739
Tanisha Souza: but you can. There's so many different avenues and things that you can use with this, you know just.

00:55:03.820 --> 00:55:10.470
Tanisha Souza: you know, broaden your mind because you know, you'd be surprised at all the things you can do with this and investments that will work.

00:55:10.720 --> 00:55:32.120
CAELI RIDGE: And and, by the way, guys, for for anybody that needs to hear this I have no dog in this fight. I am not incentivized whatsoever to have Tanisha here. I'm not making a dime on any of this. There isn't any kind of referral back and forth. This is all for you. From them, so you can. You can rest easy. That there, there isn't any Jv. Or or anything like that going on here?

00:55:32.480 --> 00:55:33.740
Tanisha Souza: Correct.

00:55:33.870 --> 00:55:53.419
Tanisha Souza: correct, alrighty. So we have one here. How do you account for bumps in the road with the rental properties? Tenant turnover making sure it's ready, is, are those things also taken into the calculations, or

00:55:54.080 --> 00:56:20.620
Tanisha Souza: you? You always want to wherever you purchase a rental. You always want to have some cash reserves. Right? What you're doing with the income snowball is. You're building a monthly cash reserve like this, this, this money that's just, you know an extra 13,000, or whatever 15,000, or whatever per month, you know, during Covid, right? When people were losing their jobs and and their businesses, or they, you know, basically had no income for certain period of time

00:56:20.620 --> 00:56:31.220
Tanisha Souza: to happen. Our clients, too, right? Our clients were in that situation. Their renters weren't paying right, and there was no rental assistance for a bit. So the they had to come out of pocket to cover those mortgages.

00:56:31.220 --> 00:56:41.999
Tanisha Souza: What do they do they use the income from their snowball? Right? They had all this income coming in. So what they were able to do is well in some cases, if they had to.

00:56:42.280 --> 00:56:56.900
Tanisha Souza: They they didn't even have to put any money into the snowball they're in. Their snowball was already creating 4 or 5 grand a month, or whatever it was, or, you know, $2,000 a month, and they were able to utilize that money as needed to cover those mortgages or those additional expenses.

00:56:56.900 --> 00:57:19.650
Tanisha Souza: or even their living expenses during that time period. I mean, that's what it is. It is a huge monthly cash reserve. Now, you can't do that forever. You'll totally your snowball will completely, you know. You'll utilize all your money from your snowball. But they were able to do that for 6 months or 8 months, and then start reinvesting once they're they got their job back. They got the rental assistance, you know. They got the Ppp loan. Whatever it was

00:57:19.650 --> 00:57:24.699
Tanisha Souza: they were able to continue on. But it's a huge huge

00:57:24.810 --> 00:57:27.920
Tanisha Souza: for emergencies. Great, I mean, that's what's for

00:57:28.310 --> 00:57:35.840
Karlie Libby: awesome. And then one more here. Can you use the income from the income snowball to qualify for the mortgage loans?

00:57:36.990 --> 00:57:56.549
CAELI RIDGE: Well, okay, so yeah, you can go ahead and answer, well, if you're claiming it. If you're claiming the income, then yes, you can. If you, if you guys are claiming it on your tax return, then the answer is, yes. Now, typically, if it's a new form of income, you're gonna have to show 2 year. History of of it. But otherwise, yeah, the answer is, yes.

00:57:56.780 --> 00:57:57.580
Tanisha Souza: you go

00:57:58.370 --> 00:58:00.309
Karlie Libby: perfect. Hmm, hmm!

00:58:00.820 --> 00:58:05.840
Karlie Libby: Alrighty. Well, oh, let's see here another one popped up.

00:58:06.020 --> 00:58:08.010
Karlie Libby: Let's see.

00:58:09.300 --> 00:58:11.359
Karlie Libby: What do you think of cash?

00:58:12.130 --> 00:58:18.239
Karlie Libby: Let's see cash while life policies for this cash. Whole life policies for this, maybe.

00:58:18.440 --> 00:58:26.590
Tanisha Souza: Yeah. Well, yeah.

00:58:26.870 --> 00:58:33.620
Tanisha Souza: you know, we have a lot of clients are doing that. Some have whole life. Some have I ul policies. They have cash value. It can be used.

00:58:33.780 --> 00:58:44.529
Tanisha Souza: It's, you know, basically a line of credit that you have a lot more control over you know your and you. You have control over the payments, and and even whether you pay it back.

00:58:44.830 --> 00:58:57.690
Tanisha Souza: I my personal opinion is, you always want to do that? You know, especially for this. This. I mean, that's what this is for. You don't wanna just have a big loan out there, or, you know, basically eat up your

00:58:57.810 --> 00:59:12.810
Tanisha Souza: your your cash, your death benefit. But what we want to do is make sure that you utilize just enough, not too much. Again. If you've got $200,000 cash value in your life insurance policy.

00:59:13.080 --> 00:59:17.709
Tanisha Souza: don't go. Oh, I'm gonna throw it all in there and not pay it back. Follow the system.

00:59:17.760 --> 00:59:38.649
Tanisha Souza: just follow the system, and you don't have to worry about anything. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. You don't, you know I don't. I have to say this because some people get all fancy, and they want to do all this kind of really crazy stuff. It's already crazy. It's already really cool, like you don't have to do anything to embellish it. It's already awesome, the way it is, and you will be able to do some really cool things with it.

00:59:40.140 --> 00:59:55.289
Karlie Libby: Perfect. Thank you so much, Tanisha. Amazing! Amazing! Thank you, my friend. I'll check in with you soon, and I have a feeling we're probably gonna have you back again. If you'd be willing sometime in the

00:59:55.400 --> 01:00:09.020
CAELI RIDGE: I don't know later this year, first quarter next year to to do this one more time. I just think it's so valuable. And II love the way that you guys provide the information in that abundance mentality. You know, it's it's it's super cool.

01:00:09.340 --> 01:00:36.000
CAELI RIDGE: okay, well, you guys, thank you for coming and being here. II don't know exactly what our content is for next week Carly will be sending out emails and reminders, and whatever that might look like. Oh, no, it's not next week we skip a week, don't we, Carly? Actually, it will be next week. But we have a Karn Hall coming on next week. You guys will hear about that later. Self, directed Ira. Stuff, Tanisha, my friend. I'll talk to you soon, honey. Thank you. Good to see you guys. Thanks for being here.

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