Calling All Real Estate Investors

Staying Consistent Long After the New Years Resolutions are Forgotten

Caeli Ridge Season 2 Episode 39

Caeli Ridge recorded this episode on 12/12/2023
Guest Speaker Brent Widman from Southwestern Consulting joins today as our guest speaker. Caeli and Brent have a great Q&A on what it means to stay consistent in life and discuss the power of writing your goals down in order to achieve them. They discuss many personal insights on what it means to be successful, and what drives us all!

You can contact Brent Widman at bwidman@southwesternconsulting,com or call or text him at 507-382-7641. He offers a 30 minute business action plan so please check him out to help you reach your goals! 

Check out the video with the screen share and the documentation in the Community and our YouTube Channel.

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As always, give Ridge Lending Group a call if you have any questions at 
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NMLS #42056  |  BK #0910215  |  CA License #CA-DBO9556 | Massachusetts Licensed Lender #ML42056 | An Equal Housing Lender  |  All Rights Reserved

00:00:02.450 --> 00:00:10.140
Karlie Libby: Alright! Hello! And welcome everyone to another live episode of calling all real estate investors with Caeli Ridge from Ridge lending group

00:00:10.210 --> 00:00:24.440
Karlie Libby: as always you can reach us at info, at ridge, lending, or call in at (855) 747-4343, that is 855 74 Ridge.

00:00:24.640 --> 00:00:33.390
Karlie Libby: And during today's live call. If you have any questions throughout please just pop those into the chat, and then we will answer them as soon as possible.

00:00:34.080 --> 00:00:43.630
Karlie Libby: Today we have a very special guest speaker joining the podcast. Brent woodman. and i'll hand it over to Caeli to get his introduction to you and to dive into today's episode.

00:00:44.320 --> 00:00:59.339
CAELI RIDGE: Thank you, my dear. Hey? Gang happy holidays! Squad? Let's see, how many do we have on. Well, it doesn't really matter. Thank you for joining us on this Tuesday. I always love seeing you. I think we've got one more episode for the year. Right, Carly, it'll be a pre recorded episode, maybe at the end of this

00:00:59.340 --> 00:01:17.240
CAELI RIDGE: you'll remind me what the content for that is, so we can hook them. But thanks for taking your time. Appreciate you guys being here. Just briefly, we're gonna be doing something really different today. I'll get into that in a second. But before I do, I wanted to make sure I've got it in my notes to tell you, or for those that missed the announcement that we made last week.

00:01:17.290 --> 00:01:40.839
CAELI RIDGE: Just some housekeeping. I always like to start with that. The second lean Heloc home equity line of credit that we had talked about, maybe a month ago. You probably remember re mentioning that it would might be a little bit limiting at a 60% Cl TV, right for those that remember that second lean heloc, we had just brought it on as a new product line 60 cl, TV. Guess what?

00:01:41.470 --> 00:01:53.409
CAELI RIDGE: 70%. Cl TV. Secondly, in Heloc, for non owner occupied properties. This is a pretty big deal. Guys. I have not seen a Cltv to 70% on an investment property since probably

00:01:53.540 --> 00:02:15.319
CAELI RIDGE: before the pandemic. So 2 things, one yay, you now have for those that thought maybe it wasn't gonna be a good fit, or it just wasn't worth the squeeze. Didn't make sense. Now, it might at the 70% Cl TV for you. But also I think that it is a sign of the times. I think that the tides may be turning.

00:02:15.320 --> 00:02:33.250
CAELI RIDGE: We'll talk about that probably next time we're together. But that's good news all around 70%. Cl, TV for any of you that has run numbers for you before. And the 60% was kinda met. Make sure you reach back out to us info at Ridgeline or check in with your Dls and have them rerun the numbers at 70,

00:02:33.440 --> 00:02:49.159
CAELI RIDGE: just to see how much difference it makes. It could be all the difference in the world. And that second second lien, remember, is what all of you have been kind of berating us to come up with, because nobody wants to give up their 3 and 4% interest rates. So there you go. You're welcome.

00:02:49.450 --> 00:03:11.980
CAELI RIDGE: Merry Christmas! Alright. So let's get into this. II wanted to shake things up a little bit. On our our live with Shailey. Tuesday calls and so I'm gonna try something a little bit different. Quite different. Actually, obviously, we spend our time talking about real estate more specifically the financing side of real estate. and while this has nothing to do with that.

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00:03:13.780 --> 00:03:32.010
CAELI RIDGE: I think it fits a need. And it was very personally, timely. This is. This is as much for me as I hope it is for you. Before I introduce our guest today, I wanted to share with you guys the why behind this, my, why and why? I thought that this would be a good idea to bring to our our Tuesday meetings.

00:03:32.210 --> 00:03:38.250
CAELI RIDGE: So I wrote something out, and I might paraphrase here. But here's where it's coming from.

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CAELI RIDGE: I find myself in a conundrum as I kind of ease into middle age. I will be 52 in January.

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CAELI RIDGE:  I've spent my entire life as kind of a high performer II just always had that kind of fire in my belly. Ii was always able to kinda turn it on, and whatever the goal was, kind of stay focused, put my head down and achieve it. And I've I've always had pretty ambitious high reaching goals, and for the most part I could get there without. Well, okay.

00:04:10.970 --> 00:04:23.279
CAELI RIDGE: I could make up my mind, and I could do it. That's not to say that it didn't come with a massive amount of of work, brain damage, blood, sweat, tears, all of that stuff. But I was overall able to kind of figure that out.

00:04:23.290 --> 00:04:34.830
CAELI RIDGE:  and I think more than anything my my skill set, or what really got me there. What I was kind of naturally born with is

00:04:35.600 --> 00:05:05.219
CAELI RIDGE: consistency. I could just put on the blinders, keep my head down, barrel through, gut it out, grind it out, and I could get there, and the consistency, above all else, is what I found personally, is probably the number one key to my success, and I think that if you've read any of the self-help books, or whatever you know, whatever you're into that kind of gives you that inspiration. You probably have heard once or twice that consistency is is up there at the top of what you need to apply to reach said goal. That has been true for me.

00:05:05.400 --> 00:05:10.560
CAELI RIDGE: But you know I've noticed this is a more of a recent phenomenon.

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CAELI RIDGE: I've noticed that.

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CAELI RIDGE: something's missing. I feel stalled. I feel like there's a a plateau that I've hit, and maybe it's it's complacency. Maybe I've gotten fat and lazy. Maybe I mean, who knows whatever it is? But I'm I'm missing something, and and I still feel you know, that fire in my belly. II know that I could still garner it if I want to.

00:05:33.280 --> 00:05:48.460
CAELI RIDGE: it's it's a slump, maybe so. This like I said very timely, and and coincidentally, also for the last year or so. This is a new phenomenon for me, and kind of lacking some of that inspiration.

00:05:48.460 --> 00:06:03.190
CAELI RIDGE: A mentor of sorts, I guess, or someone really, that I just respect immensely made a recent introduction to Mr. Brent here. After checking out a little bit I thought, what perfect timing right this time of year.

00:06:03.190 --> 00:06:25.830
CAELI RIDGE: right where we're just getting. We're finishing out the year, etc. And you know everybody kind of uses that as their I don't necessarily do the the New Year's resolution things but a lot of times. It's a reset find. So I thought, this is timely. It's the holidays. Maybe people don't want to be talking about interest rates and and that kind of stuff again to to close out the year, and I could use a pick me up. So

00:06:26.350 --> 00:06:49.899
CAELI RIDGE: I have asked Brent to join us today. I think that this is going to be useful from a variety of perspectives I know for me. I'm gonna be able to take. II assume. Colonel's from what he's gonna share and get myself pick myself up by the bootstraps again and get back on track. So that's what today is. Let's I have. Where's my cheat sheet

00:06:50.310 --> 00:06:52.759
CAELI RIDGE: for Mr. Widman? Here it is

00:06:52.960 --> 00:07:15.499
CAELI RIDGE: so, let me properly introduce this. This gentleman I am pleased to introduce. Mr. Brent Woodman. Brent helps run South Western consulting, which is which is a speaking training and coaching division of the South Western family of companies. Brent is a partner that helps lead a group of a hundred 55 certified professional sales and leadership coaches around the world.

00:07:15.680 --> 00:07:25.839
CAELI RIDGE: He has been with the 165 year plus Southwest family of companies. He's been there for over 10 years with over 18 years of sales experience himself.

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CAELI RIDGE: He is consistently in the top 5 for sales and revenue for the company, and he took the number one spot in 2021 I think that's probably was a pretty big accomplishment man. Given how many people, I think, in that company? He's a marathoner, a mountain climber, and loves any type of exercise, but mostly brent is about growth, all about growth, serving others and having a great time while doing it lucky enough to be married to his wife Jenny.

00:07:51.850 --> 00:08:02.890
CAELI RIDGE: and also dad of 3, Jack Elliot and HUD great names. So he's here to join us, and I believe his goal is to try and impart

00:08:02.900 --> 00:08:23.059
CAELI RIDGE: goal training. Principles inspire us with habit, changing ideas. I'm excited to hear what he has to say. I thought Brent, with your permission. We could just kind of do a Q&A. I set up a couple of questions that I might throw at you, and then you just do you, and we'll just keep it light, like I mentioned earlier, and just have a conversation. What do you think?

00:08:23.060 --> 00:08:49.390
CAELI RIDGE: Yeah, thanks for the intro. That's exactly how I wrote it. So you did a great job. II there was a few things just to to keep the flow. II changed to comma here and there. But thank you for taking the time. I appreciate this. I'm excited to to hear what you've got to say. So here's my first question. Okay, I would like to know about your background, right? How did what happened in life to get you to this point. You've been in sales for a long time, but tell me about you and and how you got to this place.

00:08:49.770 --> 00:08:54.300
Brent Widman: I'm gonna say one thing before I answer, that is that all right? I just want to say thank you.

00:08:55.180 --> 00:09:04.029
Brent Widman: What you just said, and your humbleness about. Sometimes we do get stuck or we get complacent or we get it may not be complacent, but we just kinda do

00:09:04.220 --> 00:09:14.729
Brent Widman: yeah. And we don't know how to get out of it. And there's not a lot of top people. There's not a lot of people that would admit that. So the humbleness that you just used. That's

00:09:15.730 --> 00:09:26.939
Brent Widman: to me that's really refreshing, I guess. Put it that way. So that's pretty cool. Just start off with that. My background, I guess. Let me start there. So I

00:09:27.770 --> 00:09:37.999
Brent Widman: oh, man, I am. I'm gonna give you the cliff Snell's version of this, but I'm from a small town in Minnesota. You'll pick up the accent. It's pretty thick, but

00:09:38.070 --> 00:09:48.510
Brent Widman: it's about 400 people southwest Minnesota. It's called Round Lake. Yeah. And then II hovered around a little bit, went to a couple of colleges, and then I ended up going to Mankato.

00:09:48.580 --> 00:09:53.510
Brent Widman: which is, oh, probably 100 150,000 people, and moved up to. This is

00:09:54.100 --> 00:10:06.119
Brent Widman: Jeez 20 years ago, I suppose, at least 25, and then moved up to Minneapolis. So I live right out right outside of Minneapolis. and I'll kind of tell you how I got to Southwestern of all things.

00:10:06.870 --> 00:10:10.499
Brent Widman: I started my career in sales at lifetime. Fitness.

00:10:11.020 --> 00:10:18.179
Brent Widman: and really, what happened was is. My boss came in and put a stack of papers on my desk, and he said, Call all these people.

00:10:18.990 --> 00:10:23.870
Brent Widman: and I think you know what I'm talking about where there's people out there, salespeople

00:10:24.970 --> 00:10:28.380
Brent Widman: that will make phone calls and some that just kind of don't.

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Brent Widman: And I realized that the only way I'm going to get to where I want to be is if I do the activity that you need to do, because that's the way you.

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Brent Widman: I guess in my eyes the way you learn the way you develop the way you

00:10:40.900 --> 00:10:47.949
Brent Widman: figure out what you need help with all those types of things. We'll come back to all that, but from there I started.

00:10:47.990 --> 00:10:54.580
Brent Widman: I did pretty well lifetime. I was there for about a year and a half, 2 years, and then I started chasing the title.

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Brent Widman: and I'll just say it. The ego got the best of me.

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Brent Widman: So I went to the Y.M.C.A. As a sales director.

00:11:03.120 --> 00:11:13.740
Brent Widman: I was there for about a year and a half. 2 years. I'll come back to that, too. I went to Sprint as a district manager, so I had about 7 stores around the cities, and then I went to Robert, half international

00:11:13.920 --> 00:11:26.169
Brent Widman: as a recruiter. That type of thing got my Mba along the way, thinking, well, if I have my Mba, somebody's gotta pay me that type of thing, not realizing that it's the hard work that'll pay you, not the

00:11:26.240 --> 00:11:31.270
Brent Widman: title and stuff behind your name. and I was@theymca.

00:11:31.490 --> 00:11:34.540
Brent Widman: And my executive director there

00:11:34.880 --> 00:11:41.620
Brent Widman: looked at me across the desk, and he said. Brents. Sometimes the best salespeople don't always make the best leaders.

00:11:42.960 --> 00:11:46.320
Brent Widman: and that's where the ego got me, because a

00:11:46.680 --> 00:11:48.379
Brent Widman: about a day later I quit

00:11:49.600 --> 00:12:01.450
Brent Widman: cause I asked him, were you? Well, I didn't ask him. I asked him in my mind, who are you to say that to me? But he'd looking back on it now he was right. I had a lot of growing to do a lot of developing to do a lot of, and I didn't know.

00:12:01.590 --> 00:12:09.089
Brent Widman: because you don't know what you don't know. and I think that's part of this, even what you just said, the humbleness in in you and what you

00:12:09.340 --> 00:12:15.449
Brent Widman: like. That's a leader. That's how you develop people is we don't know it all. We're not supposed to.

00:12:15.890 --> 00:12:18.289
Brent Widman: And I've been at Southwestern now

00:12:18.530 --> 00:12:32.159
Brent Widman: for about well, now, it's about 11 years, February will be 11 years. And just the things that it is. It's the product of the people you surround yourself with, and the people you learn from, and the things that you do, and development and

00:12:32.440 --> 00:12:45.850
Brent Widman: ups and downs, and all these different things that truly make us, II wholeheartedly believe that that's not just cliche saying that make us who we are and help us persevere through some of the things that don't always go the way we want to. So

00:12:46.170 --> 00:12:54.849
Brent Widman: that's kind of how the evolution happened. I guess. Yeah, and just to just to preface guys, I mean.

00:12:54.950 --> 00:13:02.850
CAELI RIDGE: Brent's background is in sales, right. But he's really about inspiring us to

00:13:03.300 --> 00:13:27.080
CAELI RIDGE: reinvent or to find what's keeping us from hitting that milestone of that goal, whatever it is. Right. So the purpose today is to get into that mind and and pull out what it will take for any of us. And it's probably just that little nugget. It might be something different for me or you, or whatever. But II have every confidence that we're gonna get something that will improve upon

00:13:27.080 --> 00:13:43.679
CAELI RIDGE: whatever's lacking. Whatever we're missing over here. Okay? So you said a couple of things. First of all, the lifetime thing, I gotta tell you. So we just got one. I I'm in Portland for anybody that doesn't know I'm in Portland, Oregon. We just got one here, and if you don't have one in your area, it's amazing. I mean, it's amazing.

00:13:43.800 --> 00:13:50.570
Brent Widman: Those have been around for a while, too. Yeah. They started. The one I worked at was the first big box

00:13:50.720 --> 00:14:15.499
Brent Widman: kind of like yours. I'm guessing because it's new. And I remember what same thing walking in there going holy crap like this is phenomenal. It's hard to not get motivated when you walk in there. No kidding. II almost signed up, too. I have a gym in my house, so it I'm a little bit ways right there, but I bet I would get something out of it if I if I went. You know I took the time to go. It was very cool.

00:14:15.550 --> 00:14:32.229
CAELI RIDGE: the other thing you said I was taking notes when you were talking. Is, you had mentioned getting out of your comfort zone and being willing to do the things that others just won't in success, right in ways in which we find success is just simply, you know, getting on the phone.

00:14:32.440 --> 00:14:50.830
CAELI RIDGE: So for you know, the people that are listening here today and the investors, you know, sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone. That was what I took away from from what you said there, and probably why you reached the pinnacles that you reach, is because you are willing to do those things that others just they just won't they? People don't like being uncomfortable.

00:14:50.880 --> 00:15:01.380
CAELI RIDGE: right? II don't necessarily love it, but I do it because I know what it'll produce. Yeah, that that just resonated with me. Okay, here's my next question.

00:15:01.630 --> 00:15:24.260
CAELI RIDGE: So I was talking initially about consistency. And this is where I feel like I'm really falling off right now is is in my consistency. Whether it be with my daily routine my my workouts right? I'm still getting them in. But it's not just that easy. Just do it right. I've gotta really force myself to get out there and do it so

00:15:24.310 --> 00:15:32.790
CAELI RIDGE: how can you shape or help me or anybody that's listening? How do we stay consistent after 52 years of gutting it out?

00:15:32.990 --> 00:15:37.930
What tools have you come up with or developed that can that I can use to keep that

00:15:38.020 --> 00:15:40.829
CAELI RIDGE: that engine go in that consistency because I think that's key.

00:15:41.410 --> 00:15:53.549
Brent Widman: So first, I would tell you again you or anybody else that is doing it. I'm gonna commend you on that as well. just because you're when you look at your working out. And you're doing all these things.

00:15:53.880 --> 00:16:10.389
Brent Widman: You're doing it. You're still getting up. You're still putting the work in. You're still doing those types of things. So you've created this habit of of making it happen. You don't. You're you're smart enough to be dumb enough not to have to think about it. It's just something you do.

00:16:10.620 --> 00:16:22.790
Brent Widman: But I do think. And this goes back to. It's funny that we we talked a little bit about Tony Robbins before we got on here I read his book. I think it's the Awaken, the giant within, or something of that nature, and he talks about being

00:16:23.070 --> 00:16:36.030
Brent Widman: pushed and pulled. And there's things that push us. So let's take this as a goal. For instance, there's really there's only 3 things that drive us, if you will.

00:16:36.560 --> 00:16:50.040
Brent Widman: 3 reasons why we do what we do, and the first one is we're driven by money. but eventually we have the house, the car, the boat, like we have the stuff. So money doesn't drive us anymore. And almost when we look at our bank account

00:16:50.150 --> 00:17:02.110
Brent Widman: it holds us back because we can pay our bills and we can take the vacations, or we can do the stuff. And that's where I see a lot of upper level, higher level producers. They get to a point where

00:17:02.300 --> 00:17:11.190
Brent Widman: I'm good man. Things are going really well, and you you you don't strive for that. But then there's Number 2 that I feel like some of us live under. We're driven by guilt.

00:17:11.740 --> 00:17:20.449
Brent Widman: and that can be student loan, debt, house, debt, credit, card debt. We got ourselves in some situation that we need to get out of. So how do we get past that?

00:17:21.599 --> 00:17:35.709
Brent Widman: But then there's the flip side of guilt. Let's say we're busy being busy. We are constantly thinking about work, that thing that fell off that thing we needed to do that thing we needed to accomplish whatever it is, and we're not present. We're not where our hands are at.

00:17:37.390 --> 00:17:39.910
Brent Widman: But then I feel like there's Number 3,

00:17:40.980 --> 00:17:55.070
Brent Widman: and that's where most of us fall under. And this goes back to what you were talking about were driven by dreams. things we want to accomplish, places. We want to go. Maybe it's a legacy, and I'm not talking about building a business and all that. But maybe it's just

00:17:55.170 --> 00:18:08.210
Brent Widman: like our kids are watching us. People are watching us, and they're going to do. Call it this half of what you do right twice what you do wrong. So if you're letting yourself off the hook, if you're not doing some of these things.

00:18:08.900 --> 00:18:15.109
Brent Widman: they're not going to do it. So we're driven by dreams. And the question is.

00:18:17.450 --> 00:18:22.829
Brent Widman: are you? I'm gonna go back to goals and vision and that type of thing. So that's kind of the topic for today

00:18:23.660 --> 00:18:34.470
Brent Widman: I go into and I speak. We do workshops where I come in at a team anywhere from 3 to 5 people, let's say 50. And the other reason I tell you that is because when I ask how many of you have your goals written down.

00:18:35.460 --> 00:18:38.749
Brent Widman: it's natural to have maybe 10% of the room.

00:18:39.220 --> 00:18:49.439
Brent Widman: because I'll ask how many of you in here? If I asked to see your goals you could show me right now, actually written down. Yeah. Yup, yeah. And it's maybe 10% of that room. Which

00:18:50.240 --> 00:18:56.920
Brent Widman: again, it goes back to you. You don't know what you don't know, but something happens when you write your goals down. It's the

00:18:57.120 --> 00:19:13.850
Brent Widman: the motivation, it's the measurement. It's we. We even things like, we we struggle at times with time, management, or self management. But this helps us understand what we're striving for and things that we want to accomplish, or even into you already touched on

00:19:13.950 --> 00:19:24.780
Brent Widman: things like personal growth. Maybe I just wanna listen to podcasts. Maybe I wanna read 12 books this year 50, whatever it is. But if we don't have a goal around it.

00:19:25.560 --> 00:19:29.989
Brent Widman: it's really hard to strive for something that we just say, well, I have it in my head

00:19:31.130 --> 00:19:43.209
Brent Widman: doesn't really work that way? That kind of answers your question. Yeah, I agree. I think, that the the actual activity of writing it down is is powerful and and probably crucial

00:19:43.460 --> 00:19:45.819
CAELI RIDGE: to to making sure that you check them off.

00:19:45.870 --> 00:19:55.950
CAELI RIDGE: But let's go back to to the consistency. I think that you need to have that in mind what the goals are, so that your daily activity right is

00:19:56.460 --> 00:20:00.649
CAELI RIDGE: you've gotta be. You gotta have that right here on the side or on the refrigerator.

00:20:00.930 --> 00:20:28.769
CAELI RIDGE: Right? I you know I'll have. I have friends, and I've done it, too. Where you have that picture there's a picture right? I don't need to go into into any detail, but there's a picture on the refrigerator that if it's 80'clock or 90'clock at night is probably gonna keep me from opening it and getting you know the the scoop of ice cream or something before bed. there's you know that visual aid that that tells me okay. And then going into my consistency, I've got to keep it consistent, or if not, I'm never gonna get there.

00:20:28.960 --> 00:20:37.369
CAELI RIDGE: So if there was one thing that you could say that you could bring to the table about consistency. And what keeps you there in that

00:20:37.440 --> 00:20:43.189
CAELI RIDGE: in that space? Because it's it's hard, right. Consistency is hard. In fact.

00:20:43.770 --> 00:20:54.540
CAELI RIDGE: I bet most people would say that consistency in in meeting their goals and what it is they have to do every single day.

00:20:55.150 --> 00:21:05.970
CAELI RIDGE: And this is true for for investors that want to build that wealth right? So this this is true for anybody, whatever their goal, is consistency and almost redundancy

00:21:07.400 --> 00:21:10.210
CAELI RIDGE: is huge. It's been huge for me.

00:21:10.250 --> 00:21:17.419
CAELI RIDGE: So if there was one thing that you would say that we have to do, or that we could use as a tool to to maintain that consistency. What would it be

00:21:19.010 --> 00:21:26.079
Brent Widman: cool? That's a big question. What I would say, because here's the thing. We can create good habits, and we can create bad habits.

00:21:26.140 --> 00:21:46.109
Brent Widman: because consistency consists of what you're really saying. Here is not consistency and bad habits, or getting away from it that even when you let yourself off the hook that doesn't mean it goes by the wayside, and so many of us let ourselves off because it takes. What is it? 2130 days, whatever it is to create a habit? Yeah. But it takes one day to break that habit.

00:21:46.320 --> 00:21:56.060
Brent Widman: and if we let ourselves consistently break that habit, that's why we say one day, because if we let ourselves off the hook, I'll give you an example like I get up every morning at 5 A. M.

00:21:56.120 --> 00:21:57.420
Brent Widman: And work out

00:21:57.810 --> 00:22:09.500
Brent Widman: this morning. It was what 21 degrees outside, and I went out and ran Yup, Yup, and it doesn't matter if it's 21, if it's 81, or if it's I do it when it's negative 10. And the reason I tell you that?

00:22:09.610 --> 00:22:22.760
Brent Widman: Because when you do the hard stuff. this other stuff becomes a lot easier. Yeah, if you heard my bio. there's a reason why I run marathon ultra, climb a mountain.

00:22:22.930 --> 00:22:31.109
Brent Widman: make a hundred phone calls in a day, just because then when you run 4 miles or you get up at 5, or you make 10 phone calls.

00:22:31.430 --> 00:22:33.959
Brent Widman: That's the consistency factor.

00:22:34.490 --> 00:22:42.829
Brent Widman: It's creating this normalcy that we just do. And its plan to take it

00:22:42.880 --> 00:22:59.929
Brent Widman: to a technical space. We plant it on our calendar. So if Chailey's supposed to make get back to 5 or 10 people or Brent has an open space on his calendar. I'm not emailing. I'm not texting. I'm not doing all of those things.

00:23:00.490 --> 00:23:12.560
Brent Widman: I know that that's my time, that I'm very consistent and doing the things that's going to drive my business. Yeah. And I do think that's where a lot of us fall off

00:23:12.940 --> 00:23:16.530
Brent Widman: is we don't lean into it. It goes back to what you said about being comfortable.

00:23:17.230 --> 00:23:40.499
CAELI RIDGE: Well, and do you feel like, too, that that when you miss, if you have your your your roadmap right, and these are the things that you're consistently doing every day to make sure that you you meet the goal, whatever it is that you set for yourself. If you fall off one day. There's this self defeatist, right, this self fulfilling prophecy that if I miss a day and I can, I've already missed the day I can. Just you know, I can have this cheesecake today, whatever

00:23:40.500 --> 00:23:50.599
CAELI RIDGE: right or and it search, it starts to snowball. And then it's like whatever, and then getting back into it. So for me, this is the tool that I use.

00:23:50.680 --> 00:24:11.349
CAELI RIDGE: cause II cause I've done that. I do it right where I'll be doing great, and then I'll fall off. And then I've I this mentality, this, this inner voice just starts to get at me, and then it's been 2 days or 3 days, or a week or so, or months, or whatever, and I'll I'll use working out, cause that's a big one for everybody. But I've done it enough times that I know that the brutal

00:24:11.970 --> 00:24:23.949
CAELI RIDGE: claw your way back out of that and get back to where you you were or want to be is so freaking unbearably hard. I keep that built in my mind so that

00:24:24.330 --> 00:24:39.339
CAELI RIDGE: even if I fall off I'm not saying I'm not going to fall off. Of course I'm going to fall off, but I'll never let it get to that point where it's going to be so difficult, because I've I've trained myself to believe that at 1 point, as I get older, as I start to age, you know, I won't be able to

00:24:39.470 --> 00:24:57.399
CAELI RIDGE: rebound or or come back, so that kind of motivates me to keep up with that. You know that grind, anyway. Okay, we can get off of that. We could. We could move on to something else. Did you have something on that for a second, though? Yeah, one of the things I did way back. So let's talk about working out, cause maybe it's not just work and all that kind of stuff.

00:24:57.570 --> 00:25:03.310
Brent Widman: I made a yeah. I made a rule with myself when I was 23 years old

00:25:03.410 --> 00:25:13.910
Brent Widman: that I will never take more than 2 days off in a row. Never. and whether it's traveling, whether it's vacation, whether it's holidays, whatever it is.

00:25:14.020 --> 00:25:23.189
Brent Widman: I think, the choices, and that's the thing that I would say the choice. We have a choice. Every day we either choose to do something or choose to not do it.

00:25:23.840 --> 00:25:26.990
Brent Widman: and if you're choosing to not do it enough times.

00:25:27.860 --> 00:25:31.990
think about how much harder it is to then try to do it again.

00:25:32.030 --> 00:25:35.010
Brent Widman: because you are what's exactly what you just said.

00:25:35.060 --> 00:25:50.010
Brent Widman: It's we've all seen the memes or the videos. Pick your hard. Is it harder to start all? Or is it harder to actually do it? Type of thing? And that's where consistency comes into play is not. Even if you take a day or 2 off.

00:25:50.250 --> 00:25:53.360
Brent Widman: You don't let that totally sidetrack you.

00:25:53.900 --> 00:25:59.929
Brent Widman: and it doesn't have to be. I look at it like this. If I don't work out right, and let's say, I haven't worked out for 20 years.

00:26:00.900 --> 00:26:11.519
CAELI RIDGE: Go out of your house and walk a block and walk back. Yeah. And then yeah, walk 2 blocks and walk 2 blocks back and just kind of build off that.

00:26:12.580 --> 00:26:16.620
Brent Widman: That's all you have to do and watch what happens to your life. It's it's

00:26:16.810 --> 00:26:25.310
Brent Widman: changes everything. So now, yeah, it's as simple as that. It's. It's funny it's simple, but it's hard, right for a lot of people.

00:26:25.570 --> 00:26:27.660
CAELI RIDGE: It's it's it's simple.

00:26:27.790 --> 00:26:34.710
Brent Widman: But the execution is hard, but if if you just get outside of your own head and you, you do it, I it. It's not as

00:26:34.740 --> 00:26:51.220
CAELI RIDGE: hard as you make in your head. Okay, let's talk about. Let's move on. Let's talk about preparation. Right? So preparation for success. You gotta take some time and start planting the seeds, as I call it, and and preparing. Do you have systems or tools that you use to kind of outline

00:26:51.540 --> 00:27:03.599
Brent Widman: what your accomplishments or goals are going to be. Yeah, I have a couple of things when you look at goals. So you touched on 2 things there. You asked about prepping. And then you asked about goals. So in in my world, that's kind of 2 different things.

00:27:04.380 --> 00:27:13.920
Brent Widman: So every year. at the end of the year I take a day. and I plan. and what I didn't use to do that

00:27:14.130 --> 00:27:18.460
Brent Widman: I started this about 3 years ago when I got a coach, put it that way.

00:27:18.580 --> 00:27:20.199
Brent Widman: and I plan

00:27:20.240 --> 00:27:30.359
Brent Widman: my next year of where my business is going to come from, the goals that I want to achieve the things that I want to do, and they are personal and they are professional.

00:27:31.060 --> 00:27:37.099
Brent Widman: So I write down about 15 doesn't mean it. And the reason I say about is because you might write down 12.

00:27:37.480 --> 00:27:43.740
Brent Widman: Don't, don't hang on to it. Because I said 15, I take that whole day, and then I break down.

00:27:43.920 --> 00:27:57.129
Brent Widman: I reverse engineer. What are the things that I need to do to get to where I want to go? So let's say I am a loan officer, right? And I want to do? 3 million a month, 4 million 10 million whatever it is.

00:27:57.470 --> 00:28:08.960
Brent Widman: What are the steps that I need to take the events I need to do? Who do I need to build relationships with? Who are my centers of influence? Where am I going to go to build this?

00:28:09.140 --> 00:28:12.300
Brent Widman: Now we take those goals, and we break them down.

00:28:13.070 --> 00:28:24.970
Brent Widman: So that's one of the things I do is I take a planning day now on my planning day. The other thing I do is at the end of every week. So you asked about a process I have at 30'clock every Friday afternoon.

00:28:25.670 --> 00:28:32.450
Brent Widman: I look at my next week, and I know it can be tedious. I get it. But this is consistency. Sometimes it is tedious.

00:28:32.910 --> 00:28:35.649
Brent Widman: You go hour by hour, day by day.

00:28:35.680 --> 00:28:40.549
Brent Widman: and you look at what you're doing, and you plan the things that you need to do.

00:28:41.260 --> 00:28:52.719
Brent Widman: And what do I need mean by that? Who am I gonna talk to? Who do I need to get back to? What's my business development? What are the things that I need to go to? What time am I going to be home? What time am I gonna work out

00:28:52.890 --> 00:28:55.580
Brent Widman: all these types of things? So you don't.

00:28:56.580 --> 00:29:07.019
Brent Widman: If we don't do that, life has a way of pulling on us, which is a lot of times why, we don't do the things that we should do. because it's simply not planned on our calendar.

00:29:07.330 --> 00:29:16.989
Brent Widman: And then that 2 h block comes up and you kinda Facebook, and you kinda linkedin. And you kinda call one or 2 people. And you kinda kinda kinda

00:29:17.340 --> 00:29:18.920
Brent Widman: and that's why we hover.

00:29:20.450 --> 00:29:23.430
Brent Widman: Wow! I could break down

00:29:24.650 --> 00:29:37.200
Brent Widman: probably 20 things that when you write down your goals cause you even talked about having a vision board. That's really what that picture on your fridge is. That's a vision board.

00:29:37.230 --> 00:29:49.179
Brent Widman: It's something that pulls us to where we want to go. That can be a house car. Family vacation doesn't matter what it is. It's the life that you want to live. Maybe you're not in it today.

00:29:49.360 --> 00:29:56.070
Brent Widman: but it's things that we're striving for. And if you have not created a vision board which lives into your goals.

00:29:56.500 --> 00:30:03.060
Brent Widman: I would encourage you to do that. And that's simply taking. That's what I do on that planning day is I take a half hour to an hour.

00:30:03.380 --> 00:30:12.410
Brent Widman: and I just write down everything in the next year, 3 years, 5 years that I want to accomplish. or things that I want to do. It could be.

00:30:12.510 --> 00:30:17.900
Brent Widman: I want to go to the Great Wall of China, right? Or I wanna pyramids, right? That type of stuff.

00:30:18.860 --> 00:30:29.669
Brent Widman: It's going to happen eventually. What are those things that are truly important to you? Because when you make an emotional hear me here for a second. This is the one thing I wanted to hopefully take away.

00:30:30.570 --> 00:30:33.370
Brent Widman: Goals are one thing. We can write down things.

00:30:34.430 --> 00:30:38.259
Brent Widman: There's a couple in there that you will make an emotional attachment to

00:30:38.910 --> 00:30:41.559
Brent Widman: things that are uber important to you

00:30:42.590 --> 00:30:45.260
Brent Widman: when you make an attachment to something

00:30:45.560 --> 00:30:50.140
Brent Widman: that's when you do it, when you're tired, when you do it, when you don't feel like it.

00:30:50.620 --> 00:31:01.040
Brent Widman: when you're uncomfortable. when you push through something. because the payoff of that is stronger than not doing it.

00:31:01.370 --> 00:31:09.129
Brent Widman: If you know what I mean by that. Yeah, there's a big motivation, or, yeah. I totally agree attachment

00:31:09.290 --> 00:31:10.260
Brent Widman: for sure.

00:31:10.480 --> 00:31:19.369
CAELI RIDGE: You know, I wanna a as it relates to real estate investors, right? Which is is our audience today. So

00:31:19.840 --> 00:31:42.380
CAELI RIDGE: here's what I do, guys when I know what what the let's say, the milestone that I want to meet. Let's let's let's just go big picture and say, I want to be financially independent from the need to have a W. 2 job in 5 years. Okay, I start with that. And then and then, as Brent just said Reverse engineer, what we're talking about, and

00:31:42.970 --> 00:31:45.079
CAELI RIDGE: tangibly, what is it going to take?

00:31:45.370 --> 00:32:13.829
CAELI RIDGE: So I take the the baseline averages. I know that you know real estate, investing for my particular model of single family residents on a long-term basis. Let's say that the average cash flow right now in today's rate environment and the averages of taxes and insurance and rents and blah blah blah national averages. You have access to that data right here. I know it. So figure whether that out figure all of those details out and say, Okay, I need this much money to be financially solvent and free of

00:32:13.830 --> 00:32:24.219
CAELI RIDGE: X. In 5 years, 10 years, 3 years, 7 years, whatever it is, and then work it backwards. How many properties do I need to identify in a month or in 12 months.

00:32:24.230 --> 00:32:27.160
CAELI RIDGE: What types of properties do those need to be

00:32:27.170 --> 00:32:38.350
CAELI RIDGE: if I just stick with this particular medium of investing single family residence on a long term rental? How long is it going to take me if I know that this is the model of cash flow on this property?

00:32:38.350 --> 00:32:57.410
CAELI RIDGE: What if I were to switch it up and and bring in a 2 to 4 unit property. Or maybe we're gonna look at some short term properties that will yield some slightly higher returns might have more risk. Right am I willing to take that on? But my point is is that if you were to forecast out exactly where you wanna be, and ha! In what period of time you wanna be in

00:32:57.500 --> 00:33:06.839
CAELI RIDGE: to? To Brent's Point. What I would do with that is, I would get real granular, I would say, Okay, I want to be making $10,000 a month.

00:33:07.200 --> 00:33:11.450
CAELI RIDGE: Okay, I know that I need to make this many calls.

00:33:11.680 --> 00:33:32.670
CAELI RIDGE: I need this kind of conversion, and then just start tweaking it from there and actually throughout the day. Gut! Check! Am I doing what I should be doing? That's going to get me through today, and then this week, and then this month that I'll be able to hit that milestone. So those are some of the things that I will do, and I don't know. It's it's kind of to your point. But preparedness comes from

00:33:32.920 --> 00:33:35.540
CAELI RIDGE: putting that shit on paper right

00:33:35.610 --> 00:33:44.259
CAELI RIDGE: if you don't have it somewhere, cause II do get lost in the day to day. Right? I got. I got my head down. I kind of live in a vacuum sometimes, and

00:33:44.600 --> 00:34:01.890
CAELI RIDGE: you know I don't look up a lot. I'm I'm usually just kind of in that tunnel vision and focused and if I didn't have something tangible over here that I could revert back to and and bring me back into. Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing right now, so that I get here because what happens to me otherwise is that I'll waste

00:34:01.970 --> 00:34:19.049
CAELI RIDGE: 3 months, or 6 months, or whatever it is, and I'll be nowhere near closer to what my initial goal was at the beginning of the onset of whatever that was right. I'm in fact, maybe I'll be further behind. So I think that you're right. It's very, very important to set up

00:34:19.300 --> 00:34:20.560
CAELI RIDGE: a schematic

00:34:20.679 --> 00:34:27.889
CAELI RIDGE: a vision board so that everybody has something to use from, and then take that reverse, engineer it, and actually be

00:34:28.290 --> 00:34:42.920
CAELI RIDGE: applicably doing some of the things every day, and maybe it's not possible to do it every day. Maybe it's every week but you. You have to be your own Warden, and be gut checking yourself along the way to make sure that you're on that same path right? Is that, would that be a a good way in which you would?

00:34:42.929 --> 00:34:55.459
Brent Widman: Oh, for sure! Here's the one thing. everything you said there is spot. On the one thing I would take that a little step further is when you touched on.

00:34:55.530 --> 00:35:07.019
Brent Widman: If you want to invest and you want this type of property, or you want this this at some point. There are people out there that they don't know. They don't know what to do or how to do it.

00:35:07.250 --> 00:35:18.509
Brent Widman: So what our natural tendency is to shut down and put it off, and I'll get to it later. What I'm going to tell you is ask for help. Yeah, call somebody like you

00:35:18.540 --> 00:35:19.769
Brent Widman: or you

00:35:20.170 --> 00:35:28.449
Brent Widman: and say, Hey, this is what I wanna do. These are the. This is the money I wanna make. What do I need to do to get to that point?

00:35:28.560 --> 00:35:35.279
Brent Widman: Yeah. And you can break that down for them and help them get to that good. And the reason I know that I've been guilty of it.

00:35:35.450 --> 00:35:38.450
Brent Widman: Yeah, me, too. I don't know where to start.

00:35:39.080 --> 00:35:47.799
Brent Widman: so I'm not gonna start. I'll put it off because I don't know we're we do that. That's keeping us safe. That's one thing I would do is

00:35:49.760 --> 00:36:01.789
Brent Widman: I don't wanna call it ego. But it's okay to ask for help. It's okay to not know everything. Check that. Take pool card out of your pocket. Right? Don't worry.

00:36:02.190 --> 00:36:25.619
CAELI RIDGE: I agree. I agree. So so the moral of that story is is that there is a plethora of of information and people out there that are information, abundance, and not scarcity in real estate guys. You, you probably know most of them. Right? There's a lot of free podcasts. We are a good resource for that stuff. You know that

00:36:25.620 --> 00:36:34.729
CAELI RIDGE: definitely, if you don't know it, ask. I feel good that our clients a lot of the times they will, and for those that are listening to this, that just don't think that you know

00:36:35.360 --> 00:36:44.479
CAELI RIDGE: your question is valid or or it's a dumb, whatever, whatever. It doesn't even matter if you're questioning whether or not to ask Bridge. You should be asking, because I promise you

00:36:44.700 --> 00:36:47.640
CAELI RIDGE: it's it's it's

00:36:47.740 --> 00:37:01.560
Brent Widman: relatable, and we have. We should have answers, and if we don't, we'll find them for you, anyway. Yeah, that's a good point. Don't let the fact that you might think you look stupid or feel stupid or awkward, or don't let that hold you back. No kidding. You want to live.

00:37:01.760 --> 00:37:02.890
Brent Widman: That's what we're

00:37:03.120 --> 00:37:09.399
CAELI RIDGE: yeah. No kidding. Okay. What else do I have here? What time is it? We'll just do a couple more. Okay,

00:37:10.640 --> 00:37:16.399
CAELI RIDGE: unless you've got. If you've got something that you wanted to just roll with you, do it. Okay, you don't. You don't have to. Okay.

00:37:16.840 --> 00:37:20.750
CAELI RIDGE: Here's a good one. What drives you, Brent.

00:37:21.730 --> 00:37:27.370
Brent Widman: Oh, man, it's not any one thing. I'll tell you that, but I will take you back.

00:37:28.560 --> 00:37:31.540
Brent Widman: Oh, the story is, gonna get me a little bit.

00:37:31.730 --> 00:37:45.209
Brent Widman: Yeah. When I first started here. I was about 6 months in. and I was a single dad. My son and I went down to. We went down to a carnival.

00:37:45.400 --> 00:37:53.970
Brent Widman: It's called Lake City, Minnesota. It's down in the big city big part of the Mississippi River. That kind of thing. And they we've all been to those small town carnivals where they have the

00:37:54.200 --> 00:38:05.199
Brent Widman: bumper cars and the roller coasters, and the ricky old Ferris wheel, and all that kind of stuff, and we walked uptown on a Saturday morning. and we were walking by the pitching game.

00:38:06.550 --> 00:38:13.059
Brent Widman: and Jack sees that he's 6 years old at the time, and he says, Dad, can I, Dad? Please? Can I play this game.

00:38:14.800 --> 00:38:18.129
Brent Widman: and in my pocket. I remember this like it was yesterday.

00:38:18.450 --> 00:38:23.760
Brent Widman: II saw the sign off in the distance, right beside it that said 3 balls, $5,

00:38:25.270 --> 00:38:33.740
Brent Widman: and in my pocket I had $23, and that's I'm talking $23 to my name because my house was up for short sale.

00:38:33.840 --> 00:38:47.699
Brent Widman: I was actually driving my brothers Ford Ranger because he loaned it to me. I didn't have a car. I couldn't a lot of times like I could. I wasn't so far down, but I was charging things as I had a credit card, but I had no money in the bank.

00:38:49.060 --> 00:38:53.109
Brent Widman: and I ended up paying. I ended up paying for the game

00:38:54.120 --> 00:38:56.630
Brent Widman: fast forward. We got home that Sunday night.

00:38:57.770 --> 00:39:02.399
Brent Widman: walked in the house, walked downstairs, and I sat my stuff down, and I sat at my desk.

00:39:02.970 --> 00:39:04.719
Brent Widman: and I just sat there numb.

00:39:06.040 --> 00:39:09.069
Brent Widman: and I pulled out a post it and I wrote on it. How does it feel

00:39:11.400 --> 00:39:12.210
Brent Widman: cool

00:39:13.610 --> 00:39:18.370
Brent Widman: reason, I tell you that is cause that's ultimately what drives me is I never.

00:39:18.690 --> 00:39:24.249
Brent Widman: I never wanted to have that feeling again of not being able to pay $5

00:39:24.470 --> 00:39:28.969
Brent Widman: for my son to be able to play a pitching game at a carnival.

00:39:30.590 --> 00:39:36.319
Brent Widman: and if that was my fault like, have you ever failed your kids, you've ever failed your family.

00:39:36.360 --> 00:39:52.180
Brent Widman: That was on me, man, that wasn't his fault. So I looked at the future and thought, What if he can't play soccer and baseball and basketball, and whatever he wanted to do didn't matter. What if I couldn't do vacations and give him experiences and and help him live his life.

00:39:53.030 --> 00:39:58.120
Brent Widman: And that's kind of the vision that I look around. I have my kids pictures and a vision board and

00:39:58.260 --> 00:40:03.360
Brent Widman: books, and all these like drawings and these. That's what drives me is

00:40:03.520 --> 00:40:05.689
Brent Widman: if I don't feel like making a phone call.

00:40:07.690 --> 00:40:12.690
Brent Widman: Yeah, man, there's a picture staring me in.

00:40:12.800 --> 00:40:16.640
Brent Widman: That's consistency. There's

00:40:16.750 --> 00:40:22.049
Brent Widman: there's things there that will drive you. You just have to look for it. It's right in front of ya.

00:40:22.280 --> 00:40:28.230
CAELI RIDGE: I agree. Ii know not, I would say the majority of people are not motivated by fear.

00:40:28.700 --> 00:40:34.589
CAELI RIDGE: right in in working in business, that that's been my experience. Most people, the more you press.

00:40:34.880 --> 00:40:43.139
CAELI RIDGE: I would say, most people, the more fear, the more they may recoil. But that's not the same necessarily as pain and failure.

00:40:43.450 --> 00:41:13.080
CAELI RIDGE: right, pain and failure. I have a question for you, so I'm sure that's not the first time you've told that story. When you're in a room of people that you're coaching or training, or whatever, and that one comes up. Do you feel the energy in the room? Change where you've now gotten everyone's attention? Every I felt myself sitting up and wanting to hear what you had to say, because II suspect that every one of us has something like that that we can absolutely connect and resonate to that draws out that same emotion that now that that's

00:41:13.080 --> 00:41:22.050
CAELI RIDGE: so, we've been on, we've been talking for whatever 45 min or whatever. That's what I'm gonna take away from this. That's what I needed to hear today for me is to

00:41:22.380 --> 00:41:52.190
CAELI RIDGE: recall. Be able to recall some of that stuff, whatever it is, cause we all got it. That will that will continue to. Maybe I'm I'm just too far removed from something like that. However, to have to go back and feel if I were to put myself in some of those places that I have been in real pain. Real angst real failure, and and try to, to, you know. Put myself back in that space. That'll motivate this shit out of me.

00:41:52.460 --> 00:41:54.029
Brent Widman: There you go! That's

00:41:54.380 --> 00:41:55.999
Brent Widman: and it does. It's

00:41:56.420 --> 00:41:58.830
Brent Widman: that's what I mean by it's it's

00:41:59.030 --> 00:42:04.359
Brent Widman: there's instances in our life. We all have them. Every single one of us have them where

00:42:04.760 --> 00:42:08.400
Brent Widman: it's the old adage, if there's no change without pain.

00:42:08.640 --> 00:42:18.699
Brent Widman: feel that pain at times, like I look at a picture of my kids right here. and they're at a another broke story, I guess, cause it was kind of the same time frame

00:42:19.040 --> 00:42:36.220
Brent Widman: is. We're at a pool, and it cost $8 for each one of them to get in the pool, and I had to think about. If I can go to the pool or not. You know little stuff like that. The reminders are there. We just have to be intentional about looking for it, and it will. It will drive you, I promise you that it will pull.

00:42:36.570 --> 00:42:41.030
Brent Widman: Yeah. Yeah. So so when you guys are making your goals in your list, make another list.

00:42:41.200 --> 00:42:51.169
CAELI RIDGE: Right? Make another. Take that that action and actually write the list of things in your life that have happened, and you can just put a buzzword there that'll recall you. It'll take you right back

00:42:51.470 --> 00:43:01.150
CAELI RIDGE: to that place and time where you can smell it and feel it, and hear it, and taste it, and and know that that's the one that you want to avoid at all costs. That's like that's a good one. I like that.

00:43:01.340 --> 00:43:18.920
CAELI RIDGE: I'm gonna I'm gonna write shit down on that one. Okay, let's see. Well, I you know. Listen. II think this is great. I mean, we've been on on for 45 min. I just like the the camaraderie and and the talking back and forth, and and just to to have someone that

00:43:19.220 --> 00:43:27.060
CAELI RIDGE: you know you can listen to that has their own experiences and and feed off of that. And it just kind of gives you that renewed sense of

00:43:27.080 --> 00:43:28.410
CAELI RIDGE: inspiration.

00:43:29.560 --> 00:43:36.249
Brent Widman: Sometimes you just need to listen to people that's here's an analogy for you. My wife taught me this.

00:43:36.300 --> 00:43:40.830
Brent Widman: If you want to write down a sual and it's called, Shut up and listen.

00:43:41.600 --> 00:43:50.290
Brent Widman: If you ask a question, just listen. And yeah, you'll feel it, man, you will, for sure, and it only helps you.

00:43:50.330 --> 00:44:02.709
CAELI RIDGE: I appreciate that. And I well, so I feel like I'm I'm I do that every day, right? I'm listening, but it's it's more right. It's it's more focused in the space. I need to to open up a little bit, and and, you know.

00:44:03.030 --> 00:44:13.299
CAELI RIDGE: find other avenues of discussion that that you know can can bring me back into the fold where

00:44:13.350 --> 00:44:38.450
CAELI RIDGE: I feel inspired, and and I want to to set new goals for myself, and I've got more thing. And I cause I know I've got more things to do. I'm just yeah, I just like, I said at the at the top of the hour or half hour. I've I was just. I've just been feeling stuck. So this is. This is a good springboard for me. I really really appreciate you being here, guys, I and I don't. Was there anything else that you would have covered in in any of this that we just didn't dig into.

00:44:38.630 --> 00:44:42.309
Brent Widman: The only thing I would leave you with is that exactly what you said is.

00:44:43.270 --> 00:44:53.019
Brent Widman: go to a go to a I don't know. Maybe a coffee shop in your basement. Go to a quiet spot. open a notebook and write down your goals.

00:44:53.190 --> 00:45:07.170
Brent Widman: write down the things you really want to do. and then write down what you said as well. Some of those emotional things like there's big things you'd challenge yourself a little bit. Think a little bit bigger here.

00:45:07.460 --> 00:45:17.229
Brent Widman: like there's things I never thought I could do, and somebody asked me to do them. I'm just like, all right, and figure it out. You just speak. Yeah. Yup.

00:45:18.220 --> 00:45:19.409
Brent Widman: yeah, I agree.

00:45:19.450 --> 00:45:33.120
CAELI RIDGE: Ron, I'm looking at some. A comment. Here, hell, yeah, dude, he says, sleeping indoors and eating every day as a hell of a motivator. Yeah, sleep and food, shelter, shelter, and food. Let's just put that on our our list.

00:45:33.200 --> 00:45:45.170
CAELI RIDGE: Good one, alright. So where, if if anybody wanted to to get in touch with you, and and talk about coaching or training or the things that that are in your tool belt that they could access. How would they do that?

00:45:45.350 --> 00:45:50.389
Brent Widman: I will give you my phone number and my email about that. So my

00:45:50.410 --> 00:45:57.460
Brent Widman: pretty simple, 5, 0 7, 3, 8, 2, 7, 6,

00:45:57.630 --> 00:46:06.140
Brent Widman: 4, one. And you can text me anytime, even if you just want to talk about goals or help with reverse engineering them. I will absolutely make time for you.

00:46:06.290 --> 00:46:19.319
Brent Widman: That's there's no fans or butts about. I just love that. And then my email address is pretty simple. It's just B, as in Brent Widman, WID. MAN. So with man

00:46:19.650 --> 00:46:23.619
Brent Widman: at. And this is where it's long, but it's easy. South

00:46:24.530 --> 00:46:28.290
Brent Widman: Western consulting dot com

00:46:28.410 --> 00:46:57.270
Brent Widman: you talked about.

00:46:57.270 --> 00:47:09.879
Brent Widman: Maybe I am becoming not complacent, but I'm kind of stuck, cause I think there's a difference between both. We got to the point where we're like, what do I do next? Complacency is just more. I'm good, but if you're in a spot. Where?

00:47:09.910 --> 00:47:21.370
Brent Widman: How do I get to those goals? What do I really want like? I'm gonna dig in on you and figure out what it is that you truly want to do? And again, I'll say this, no strings attached anything like that simply, just.

00:47:21.790 --> 00:47:35.829
Brent Widman: I'll help you figure it out. Put it that way. So yeah, we set that up for sure. Very cool. Thank you. I appreciate that. Brent. Okay, gang. Anybody have any final thoughts or questions. I want to make sure to give you a minute to, to ask.

00:47:35.830 --> 00:47:46.279
CAELI RIDGE: It could be about this hopefully, or anything you wanted to share that might be useful to anybody else that's here with us today, or listening later. Go ahead and put it in the chat. Or if you've got something else that you wanna discuss

00:47:46.280 --> 00:48:11.070
CAELI RIDGE: mortgage related? That would be fine, too. I may just offer this thought. I'll leave you with this thought. Well, you maybe decide if you wanna participate here. Our buddy, Jerome and his pals, the Feds are meeting tomorrow. It is widely anticipated that they will not be raising the fed Fund rate again tomorrow. The markets have already predicted this. So anything you know, related to that fed Fund rate, not moving. That's already been accounted for.

00:48:11.070 --> 00:48:20.160
CAELI RIDGE: for in the long term mortgage rates, however, the tone of what Mr. Powell says to us tomorrow, could potentially

00:48:20.520 --> 00:48:26.650
CAELI RIDGE: move markets one way or the other. A lot of people are feeling like we are on the the home

00:48:26.770 --> 00:48:52.720
CAELI RIDGE: stretch of where high interest rates have been. Some people are even talking about March of 24 is when we'll see our first rate reduction, you know, he did say, leading up to tomorrow's meeting. Is that it? What were his words something to the effect that it's way premature to have any real confidence in rate reductions at this point. So we'll see what happens. Gang, if you have any questions you need to support anything.

00:48:52.790 --> 00:48:54.850
CAELI RIDGE: What is it, Carly? Take us home, baby?

00:48:55.400 --> 00:49:24.029
Karlie Libby: Any questions or need us for anything? Email us at info at Ridgelending, or call us at (855) 747-4343, and just to go back to what Jaylee mentioned. The next live event, or really pre recorded podcast is gonna be coming out on December 26, and Chili's gonna be talking about risk management and understanding of non owner occupied financing

00:49:24.030 --> 00:49:31.200
Karlie Libby: so definitely check your inbox for that, or it will be available on our Youtube page or anywhere that you get your podcasts.

00:49:31.330 --> 00:49:32.770
CAELI RIDGE: Thank you, Miss Carly.

00:49:33.220 --> 00:49:47.959
CAELI RIDGE: Hey, gang happy holidays to you all, whatever your predilection is, I wish you and your family is a very safe and and happy holiday season. And I you'll be seeing my mug on the 20 sixth if you join in or tune in for that. Otherwise I'll see you guys in the New Year.

00:49:48.220 --> 00:49:55.300
CAELI RIDGE: Brent, you demand. Thank you for doing this. Okay, bye, everybody. Thanks for being here.

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